Heather Simon

Whenever I can't stop buying Burger King Whoppers, I'll just say that they're stalking me...

Well when you get ambushed by your wife wanting an explanation on she found a stripper's phone number in your pocket you have to be able to think on your feet. To my understanding he also convinced her that all strippers use bar napkins with their number hand-written on it as business cards.

Callie, the higher the hair, the closer to GOD. It is known.

Two Questions:

This totally sounds like the gaslighting I got from sex addict ex. These types of things don't exactly just happen to a minor state legislator.

Yeah, really. It's sad but the only two really possible explanations are this is either a really well crafted publicity stunt, or he's totally sneaking off to strip clubs with campaign money.

Isn't it possible this guy goes to strip clubs and these strippers know him? I mean strippers came to the house? Odd.

In related news, Huntsville Area Strippers Have a Terrific Sense of Humor.

And Business Cards.

(Do strippers have business cards?)

So, basically he has a lot of stripper girlfriends on the side and his wife has not really figured it out yet? Got it.

"Me and my wife both got up to address the situation."

Say, that's some seriously sweet sibilance.

"During the campaign, we had two strippers come to my house at 1 o’clock in the morning. Me and my wife both got up to address the situation."

It's trite, but ((((hugs)))). I'm so happy you are better and here with us.

Absolutely, if there's a bad guy between you and your safe, it is extremely unlikely that you're going to reach it. You'd have to play that situation by ear. I hear running is a good alternative! Many people who keep handguns for defense keep them on their person (in a holster) even at home, for that reason. There

I found myself jealous of you, I hope this doesn't come out wrong. By anybody standards but my own and my family I do have something wrong with me. I mean Im always kinda sad and mainly I hate myself with the passion of a thousand suns, pure unaltered hate, let's just say Orphan Black me would just go to town on every

I just posted not realizing this conversation uh...repost but...

Oh man, creeptastic. Apparently he was trying to bed a 20 year old one night, but she cock blocked him.

Clearly you don't know that study as well as you claim to, because it controlled for weapon storage practices aka gun safety and still found that increased risk. You're waffling on about how people who are responsible reduce the risk of owning guns, and I'm pointing out that actual data shows that the risk is not as

Yes, but the point is that you have to GET to the safe, open it, and get the gun out of it, and (in the case of Heather), get the ammo and load it. All this while possibly being under fire. Or in the middle of the night having just been awakened by the intruder. It's not as simple as just opening a safe.

The problem with that train of thought (in the US anyway), is that the vast majority of burglars do not want to encounter the resident. The risk of getting caught or killed (quite a few armed folks in this country) is substantially higher, and the penalties for committing a home invasion (basically, burglary + force