Heather Simon

Fake puppy. That can't be a real puppy it's too cute it would break the world.

Roseanne is older. She is stoned most of the time. She is in a super tough business and she is competitive. I've been a lady comic and now I'm a lady comedy writer. (Showrunner, actually, though not right now, boo hoo). Currently, I'm one of 2 women in a staff of 10. This is normal. I've been the only woman on

CAN'T STOP staring at Tyra. That will be my go to rage response from now one. Many thanks x

Hey, she's in Seattle? I'm here too, sending positive vibes and Qi and whatnot, because it's Seattle!

Honestly I think she, Roseanne, just being manic on the internet. I have bipolar, and while it's brilliantly medicated thanks to the BC government, I definitely recognize the symptoms. You get on a tangent, it's an unreasonable tangent, and then you start posting on easy-access forums like twitter, and you might be a

I thought that was a stuffed dog. So. Adorable. My heart just 'sploded all over my apartment.

I'd be willing to send her a gift certificate to get a massage in her area for this shit, no joke.

Nothing to add just ... Vegemite. :-)

I don't think that they know. They are too honestly indignant to be lying about being completely ignorant.


A) I love this whole thread, B) I find your username to be clever and awesome.

Hey Roseanne, do you remember that time you 'jokingly' tweeted Willie Nelson to be your Veep during your campaign? Remember when he humored you for a single tweet, and your crazy ass just kept hounding him mercilessly, because you were too fucking stupid to realize he was doing you a solid to keep you from looking

Thank you for posting this, because it was really bothering me. A few thoughts:

You guys what is happening nothing makes sense except the gif with the confused puppy.

Um. Is something wrong with Roseanne? I'm having a hard time getting my head around her weird reactions to this.

Roseanne, I think you've had enough internet time today.

Because she's looking for attention and doesn't care about the actual issue. Or doesn't understand the 1st Amendment. Whichever.

Yup, I only know it as "that stuff that got me off school for a week because it needed to be removed" and also "The stuff that meant that my theatre at college couldn't redo our lobby because it would take tons of money to remove the asbestos safely."

I just love this gif so much.

This makes me sick. As a woman in comedy and as a human being, I can't believe there are people who would say such things. Horrible realizations: