Heather Simon

This is their response, and it can be clearly summed up as "fuck off, we're perfect!"

Jessica Coen's the EIC of Jezebel. So yes, it is about Jezebel.

It's incredibly "fixed mindset" of them. "If we never admit we make mistakes, it's just like never making them in the first place and then we don't have to do the dirty work of not making those mistakes in the future!"

Has to be a troll. HAS to be. I laughed.

The single best thing about this shit-show is the commenters. You guys give me faith in humanity. <3

Erin, contrary to popular opinion, I don't hate you.

Human beings are fallible and make mistakes, film at 11

Erin, this was a fantastic piece and I thank you for writing it!

My favorite doctor when I lived in the Bay Area was my gynecologist. She was always happy to see me, and I'd always collect a hug from her as she came into the exam room - but there were no facebook friendships, and I emailed her once about baby pictures after she had her daughter, but that's it.

Female nerds unite, except for this joker, apparently. ;)

You're one of my Kotaku faves, trufax.


I've scrolled by this gif like a hundred times and it gives me a case of the giggles every. time.

Can we make mine an appletini instead? Please and thank you.

Or do a "Lastname Firstname" search for him. That'd just be terrible.

With a name like "sisterphister" if he tried any harder he'd dislocate something.