Heather Simon

ihnjh;ijls "Dick Black"

I am fucking scarred for life!

So... You've met, two, maybe three white people then. I'm half-white. White enough to "pass" (*hoark*) and I see a whole lot of people who extend that white privilege to me enough to bitch about other races.

... "whitenicious".

When I manage to have a Mini Simon, I won't give one solitary fuck about what he/she majors in or does for a career as long as it's good for them and is something they truly enjoy and are passionate about.

My man is not, in fact, crying about it, but rather grateful that while he's on enforced unemployment, we can still pay the bills. Having a roof over our head is nice.

It's funny, this article has had exactly the opposite intended effect, in that I am wondering if Mr Simon might enjoy such toys.

My husband and I have a black tortoiseshell named Demeter. She's the cutest, sweetest, most loving kitty. She's four years old, but she's still "baby kitten" to me. She loves to sit on the back of my computer chair and groom my hair. I am firmly convinced that if I am successful in Operation Mini Simon, this exact

You go, fighting the good fight!

Men want to empathize with women on their own terms, not on the terms set by reality.

Carry on young soldier in the ways of men everywhere!

... You sound like someone who doesn't have kids.

Good for them. A stopped clock is right twice a day.

At that rate, the only way to top that is with goatse...

Men also value quantity over quality when it comes to their own orgasms, it seems, why wouldn't they be that way with everything else...

Both for the original content and Burt's commentary. I heart Burt.

I'm short, fat, and also "plain" (although Mr Simon disagrees, the dear lamb). I have a photo of myself on facebook and get a good couple of messages a week from random men trying to chat me up, much less my OKC profile when I used a not-awful mirrorpic (... iknowiknow) as my userpic. It was pretty awful. There seems

It's shit. It's no big deal when you're the one issuing it and there's only a little of it and it's easy enough to clean up, but when you become the target of everyone's shit and it's smeared in your hair it's a whole lot harder to deal with.

If the time is not yet ripe for your loins to be so, then by all fucking means, protect your damned self, however much it takes. Otherwise you're making a calculated risk, you do not get to cry about the results after.