
You’re conflating character with actor. Liam Hemsworth is dead sexy, I grant you. But in the world of the novel? I want the one with the biceps who also likes to cuddle.

I was going to tut at the endless, soulless milking dry of successful franchises, and then I realised that we might get a Haymitch prequel and I want that.

Without Peeta, I CANNOT, Stassa. I. CAN. NOT.

dude, i’m 25 and my dad was born in 1947, but my oldest cousin was born in 1966... i don’t even know how to feel about that.

39, and let me tell you, adulthood still feels like performance. I own a house and a solo business, and yet fake-it-til-you-make-it feels like my basic life strategy. The moments I feel truly competent are a relief. If I don’t give myself props for those bits of mastery, I’m going to feel helpless and incompetent

My fiancee gives me hugs and acts proud of me when I get the kitchen cleaned on my day off. I also suffer from social anxiety and depression so he knows it’s an accomplishment. I will share some of those hugs with you ::internet hugs::

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

I graduated from high school in 1987. Now get off my damn lawn.

Awww man. “My parents were super into grunge”. Bless your heart. I was in college when Kurt Cobain died, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Your first sentence stopped me in my tracks, I’m feeling so old right now. Then I read your next comment and saw that your oldest sibling was born in 1986, and that made me feel even older. These people in these bands were just a few years older than I am, but were light years older in terms of experience and

I’m closer to your parents age than I am yours. Yikes.

oh god, you’ve made me feel like an Old.

Thank you! We are currently in a much better place. I got remarried a few weeks ago to a wonderful man who is great to my daughter. But I will always have painful and bittersweet memories of my first love, and she will always miss her dad.

So sorry about your brother.

Society’s general glamorization of addiction, particularly when an artist is involved, is so incredibly frustrating and dehumanizing. Awful withdrawals, seizures, cravings, ODs, the devastation to the individual and their loved ones; it’s all horrible and often severely misrepresented by the media. And our health

your parents were born like a year before my oldest brother was born...

My ex-husband, and the father of my daughter, died in 2014. While he officially died from stage 4 melanoma, his death was hastened along by his chronic alcoholism. Turns out your liver doesn’t really like the heavy alcohol/experimental cancer medication combo. This letter was beautifully written and extremely

Ugh and then I went and read the comments on Coco’s weight gain and how she’s either lying or had a surrogate. (Most people were surprisingly supportive, fortunately).

Not cool. Shakira is, well... a Saint!

Oh god, Mimi. I’ve never identified with you until now. Setting age sensors to “eternally oblivious.”