Haha, he'll notice when he looks at our bank account though!
Haha, he'll notice when he looks at our bank account though!
Spokane is rad and full of cool people and it just snowed and everything is pretty and sparkly.
Okay so, I'm not sure. I've been doing some research online (especially RealSelf) and it looks like if you have minimal jowling, they can use fillers to either lift the cheeks up, thus reducing jowls, or putting it along the jawline to smooth it out. I'm only 37 and I really only have minimal wrinkles, but the jowls…
LOL the worst when I was late in my pregnancy was when people would say “get your sleep now! While you can!” And I was like “FUCK YOU IM SO UNCOMFORTABLE AND I HAVE TO PEE ALL THE TIME. I’M NOT GETTING ANY SLEEP.”
I'm so sorry for your loss. But that's so kind of you to donate. That's so awesome to think of the important ways you may have helped people.
Your husband sounds rad.
I’m thinking about trying fillers. I’m in my late 30s and my jawline is starting to sag. The hard part is convincing my husband.
Why? Please elaborate. I simply provided to you direct evidence that you’re wrong.
A turd with jazz hands.
Oh honey, you’re the one who’s not good at science. When I miscarried at 6 weeks, all it was was a heavy period. So yes, all I used was tampons and pads. Would I have to bury my maxi pads?
Aw, I liked Macklemore’s Downtown. I am required to. They filmed the video in my shitty town (Spokane represent!) and everyone here knows someone that was in the video. Plus it’s funny.
Dry shampoo is the best and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.
Dry shampoo. I can't live without it.
Lol no one’s getting the joke
You sound like an awesome mom.
I love it! I named my son after my late father AND my brother has the same name too! It’s a little confusing, too many Daves, but I love it.
Nah, she's really tiny. Under six pounds. That's at the very low end of normal. I think she was born like 3 weeks early.
That's a super tiny baby. She was under six pounds when she was born. My son was 6 lbs 10 oz and he looked so tiny and undercooked. And Chanel is like a whole pound smaller.