
We need this story. Big hair, heroism, and diamonds.

When other actors were distancing themselves, Elizabeth was out in front of the AIDS epidemic. She stood up for the victims of AIDS and helped de-stigmatize them. She was the face of compassion for AIDS victims. I’m absolutely positive that without her many more AIDS victims would have died, many of them alone,

I just read this to my mother and she started to cry. She lost so many friends to AIDS, men that had been part of her social circle for years. Her generation was decimated. This was beautiful, so thank you Elizabeth. You went above and beyond at a time when people just didn’t give a shit because this was seen a ‘gay

I'm friends with one of her granddaughters who continues the legacy. She's also very active in AIDS funding and research. Badassery runs in the family. One hell of a legacy to leave your family.

Her hair wasn’t full of secrets, it was full of awesomeness her body couldn’t contain.

This is great! I love her, and for a time I was neighbors with and babysitted for a few of her grandkids. She sadly never came to visit, but they did gift me a book of photography she had signed. She was badass, and her grandkids were wonderfully sassy and smart, too.

I will be honest, I never really had much of an opinion of Elizabeth Taylor one way or another. I don’t think she’s a great actress or anything. But damn, this just makes me love her.

This is like the coolest article title ever.

I know we are all probably still traumatized by the Lindsey Lohan biopic, but I would watch the ever-loving hell out of Dallas Buyers Club 2: White Diamonds.

Seriously, I clicked through because I was afraid she’d come out as a Trump supporter or something. Phew.

Please! Don't do Miss Landau like that.

You take that back! Drusilla was WAY hotter (and more subtle, oddly) than this!!

hahahahahaa! what is that!!??!

Her answers (along with these creepy-ass photos) are just kind of really sad? Like,

I think 35 is being generous.

He said “look behind the cash register”. Because fuck them if they’re brown, or if they have an accent, or ESPECIALLY if they’re wearing funny clothes.

Ugh, goddamn fuck all of these xenophobic assholes. And your “american made” “support local economies” bullshit is so transparent. It’s 100% about being racist and screwing over brown people. No matter that they are good, enterprising and hard-working people. People that embody the values that are what America is