
Happy Birthday, Violining mamma!

Starred for Miata

My aunt made a point to tell me detailed stories about how the women in her (low income) neighbourhood dealt with unwanted pregnancies when she was growing up (everything up to and including suicide, unfortunately), and made me promise to never take access to birth control and abortion for granted. Unfortunately we’re

If we can get a large enough group of us, and a stockpile of beans there’s always flatulence. From one asshole to another. Literally.

I helped organize nationwide coalition protests a couple of years ago and there are still frequent demonstrations about reproductive rights and other women’s issues. Jezebel and other mainstream sites don’t cover feminist organizing for some reason. But if you really do want to get involved, I'm sure you can find an

And that some of the men have pressured women into having abortions, or at the very least enthusiastically supported their choice to have one. The only moral abortion is my abortion. Every damned time.

I guaran-damn-tee that at least some of the women, maybe even a lot of the women, at these protests have had an abortion. Maybe even through Planned Parenthood.

You are making good life choices.

In related news, Feminist Kittenjoy released another bowel movement. It was similar to previous bowel movements. Nothing interesting to note. Just more shit.

That’s because he’s not even a composer, he was was a poet and “pop” song writer. He’s basically the 1800’s French version of Justin Timberlake.

Vivaldi was 18th century. I’m appalled they left out Brahms, tbh.

I'm a professional classical musician and I've literally never heard of Pierre Berenger

Seriously? Strangers will just walk up to you and tell you to cover up? (Are you naked?) That’s so rude. Where the hell do you live that people feel free to do that? Where I live, we just politely talk about others behind their backs....

Although, it does look like she paid for hers to remain upright.

I feel certain urges when I see him.

I’m a hetero 26 year old American man who has hetero sex with ladies & even I admit that Mikkelsen Lecter is incredible enough to get any man harder than a diamond in an ice storm.

So what you’re saying is that I need to finally get off of my ass and watch this show?

He is so hot. I kind of hate Bryan Fuller for making all of the sex scenes so uncomfortable. He’s gorgeous! Don’t make me feel weird about the man of my dreams being gorgeous and naked!

Quick question on pronouns with trans people. Obviously she is the correct pronounpost transition. Is she used going backwards in time forever, or do you use he when referring to things that happened before transition?