
Camilla Belle couldn’t have said it better??? I get that she supports Katy and the sentiments but really? I can imagine Yoda saying it better. Or Yogi Berra. Or Mrs Malaprop.

It’s like when my mom makes all stores possessive. Target’s. Barnes & Noble’s. Walmart’s. Always makes me giggle.

spit food out as I read this. Thank you

i’m a “professional” “adult” and i can not. stop. laughing. i had to walk outside because there were literally tears in my eyes. but it was shift change... AWKWARD. then i laughed again.

the ‘f’ instead of the ‘g’, i can get.

It doesn’t matter who you are, or how old: fart jokes are never not funny.

I don’t know. But I’m with you. I think it’s the taste level, for me - because I really want to wear those scrotum earrings. To be gross and act oblivious, but still.

Stem cells are the freakin’ FUTURE! I never understood the argument that fetal tissue should be thrown away, instead of used for medical advancement. If you try to call yourself a ‘right to lifer’, wouldn’t it be way more disrespectful to just throw it in the garbage, when it could be used to save lives?

Before Kids, Chloe Sevigny was well-known in the NYC party scene and was an intern/model at Sassy.

It’s worth a watch. Good, but very cringe inducing at parts (couch rape scene just fucking stayed with me forever).

Kids was TWENTY years ago?! Gawd, why do the 90s always seem like just the last decade to me? Oh that’s right, I’m an old.

Speaking of LGBTQ tolerance:

Is this another of those fucking James O’Keefe Veritas Breitbrt goddamned things? If so, fuck them all over again.

The clarification is just more confusing - if that’s not why you’re bringing it up, then why bring it up at all? I mentioned elsewhere that a more obvious reference would be the dapper subculture found in many African cities over the last 30 years, including those of Nigeria, where both his parents have heritage and

African Dandy? african Dandy-ism?

Thoreau’s neckbeard-

There were a lot of indentured servants, who would work for someone for a specific period of time. Often their ‘owners’ would pay for their transport to America and in exchange they’d have to work for a specific period. But it wasn’t for forever like slavery was.

From what I understand about the Confederate Flag as a non-American:

“He should’ve had a better welcome than he had,” Sequoya Turner, a lifelong Oklahoma resident, told Politico before bursting into tears.