Oregon Governor Kate Brown has signed a measure into law that will allow Oregon pharmacists to prescribe birth…
Oregon Governor Kate Brown has signed a measure into law that will allow Oregon pharmacists to prescribe birth…
Nah, but people still hate Anna Gunn because Skylar was basically right about Walt and I’m sure most peoples images of Seinfeld and Louis C.K. are molded based on the characters they played. Also, some of us don’t want to admit that Liz Lemon is not a real person. Maybe next year though.
Here we go. It’s a really good editorial about how being an artist doesn’t make you a good person, but your art isn’t necessarily bad just because you’re a dickwad:
I realized last night that Abby Wambach, Venus Williams, and I were all born within two weeks of each other. Only notable because of all the “but they’re so old!” comments the last few days. Go 35!
I had exactly the same response. The film left me with the impression that Burt was totally smitten with Roxanne, and she was an opportunist who took complete advantage of him. I know that it’s probably not that simple, but I just got the sense that the simple, sweet, naive, hippie dude was totally exploited so that a…
Once Clotox took over the lanolin in Burts Bees increased exponentially.
Most people don’t know—as with most small companies that get bought out, the general populace doesn’t realize it. The big companies change ingredients and lower quality standards betting that the general public will never know, and they are usually right. I work for a small organic grocery store and we try to keep up…
I like this. The documentary was so sad. It isn’t sad that they made alot of money and he didn’t. It is sad that they made alot of money based on the illusion that the cute little old man was making the money. Before I watched the documentary I loved buying burt bee products. Since, never bought one thing from that…
I used the Burt’s Bee’s baby wash on both my kids (apparently 99% chemical free, for whatever that’s worth). It gave then the most beautiful baby smell.
I think I want to be rachel dolezal
Yeah, but I wish she were in MORE things. She’s one of those actresses that I always squee about when I see her just show up in things. She’s like an easter egg!
Go watch the Guttenberg episodes of Party Down right now. Run, don't walk.
My dad’s end all be all favorite dessert. It’s what I picture him eating in heaven. (with AC the dog by his side)
It was about slavery, you ignorant simpleton. Go back to high school, preferably with a teacher who doesn’t call it the war of northern aggression.
And people are still legally allowed to fly Confederate flags. No one’s saying otherwise. The owners of private property that is often open to the public do not want people bringing their redneck flags there. There’s nothing legal about any of this. It’s like when people complain about freedom of speech on a message…
Agreed, that whole flag is bullshit.
All of this bullshit comes from our general population’s scientific illiteracy. It’s scary how little students are expected to know about biology and medicine by the time they graduate high school. Most are totally incapable of comprehending how vaccines work. At the end of the year, I devoted two entire lessons to…
Jim Carrey had himself a good solid multi-part Twitter meltdown on Wednesday, ranting about vaccines containing…