
Where is your control experiment brah?

Psh. “The admissions office”, eh? Like as in, the only one that gave him the time of day? Fuck this tool. His story is fucked up on so many levels. I still don’t buy it to be honest. I’m supposed to believe it’s legit why? Because his racist ass said so on his website? The FAQ on his racist website full of racism

Except he applied to like 20 med schools as a black guy and only got into 1.

33 MCAT. Moderate B+ average as opposed to the preferred high B+, we’re not talking about getting in with a 2.0 or anything. Qualified, in other words. Meaning that even if he was telling the truth (and he’s not) he didn’t prove a thing.

B ut Faux

Also didn’t he apply to like 20 schools but only get in to one? That doesn’t really prove that black people have an advantage to getting in to medical school.

Ok, admittedly paraphrasing here, but hey, still funny. It’s harder to get a rich man into heaven that a camel toe through the eye of the needle! so much for Kanye AND Kylie ;-)

Wow! Your the coolist persen in the rewm!1

I’m glad she didn’t. I would venture to say that the majority of us Hoosiers disagree with the law, particularly in Indianapolis, which is where the majority of the revenue went.

She was!! It was just a fuckin party!

Kinja? “Fuck that shit.”


I was VIP for her show last night and can vouch that the crowd went BONKERS when she said that. She’s a queen, and it made my heart smile to hear everyone agreeing with her!

Those are thick legs??

Ah yes, a lovely way to celebrate the Holy Week.

It's about ethics in cake decorating.

When did she get crazy eyes...or is that just a side effect of being the Fox News studios?

The bigger the hair the closer to god?

Could they just rename it Stretchy Fun Time Class?