
I remember that.

Lansinoh nipple cream. It's amazing. It's just purified lanolin. I use it on baby's teething rash (red, dry skin caused by excessive drooling), and it's amazing on my dry knuckles and cuticles. In fact, I was turned on to it originally by a harp player friend of mine who said harpists swear by it for their

Holy shit, many apartments don't have refrigerators?? I had no idea that was even a thing that happened. That's insane.

he did that on purpose though, right?


What were your visual symptoms?

I'm really worried about him. Did you read the link? I kind of wish I hadn't. It's humiliating and I'm scared for him.


My mom has a necklace a crow brought her! True story!

Ahaha! My husband has eyebrows like that! And he's not even old! When he gets his hair cut, the barber trims his eyebrows too.


Ugh she is just so lovely.

It's killing the plants that monarch butterflies live off of:

Also, Roundup and "Roundup-Ready" crops. That shit is nasty. Isn't it contributing to the decimation of monarch butterflies and bees?

I teach adjunct at a Jesuit catholic university and I have a couple female students who participate in this stuff. They wear "I am Pro-Life Generation" tee shirts and one has even traveled to rallies in DC and San Francisco.

Papa John's CEO is a noted asshole. I'm Team Nobody here.

I've ruined my teeth by compulsively chewing the inside of my lips and cheeks. My teeth are all ground to odd curves and angles from constantly grinding against each other. Several years ago I took up chewing gum to help quell the urge to chew my cheeks. That's helped, but the constant gum chewing has damaged my teeth

I'm literally pumping right now as I read Jezebel

dude I totally thought she said "cross-eyed bear" and I was like 16 when that song came out