
Well. Let's hope so.

DAMN GIRL! That is some serious shazam psychoanalysis!

Giant purses symbolize his fear of vaginas.

This guy has a serious issue with over-sized purses

If you do something well, never do it for free.

From one anxiety-shitter to another, you might not be dealing with your stress as healthily as you think you do.


Her kid was probably like, "Jesus, mom. Put some Pinot Gris in that Nalgene."

I like how the room is full of toys and they're pretty much like "Forget all this lame & expensive stuff, the real fun is with the Desitin!!"

I'm like, "girl, get a new line." Calling someone ugly loses whatever punch you may have wished when it becomes your default response to life, the universe, and everything. If that bitch tried to give me the number for her plastic surgeon, I'd probably return the favor and give her the number for my therapist.

It seems that the more simple and truthful his words are, the more bonkers the right goes. I am tempted to see how on earth they can take any of this as race-baiting or inflammatory, but then I'm not sure how I would ever stop doing my impression of the Angriest Dog in the World.

Believe me, I thought about it for a while before I wrote that item up, but the report is "they were hitting each other," and he declined to press charges. Not sure where I'm supposed to go with that beyond "UGH, VIOLENCE BAD."

I think what is so lovely about this video (besides the obvious), is how much JOY these parents seem to take in their child. I am probably going to to remain child free, but this was maybe the first video I've ever watched, ever, that makes me think having a kid wouldn't be a horrible, horrible thing.

Dear White Liberals on this thread, No one hates you and no one wants you to die. This has been a tough day to be on the Internet. Martha's right: posting comments is easy and self congratulatory. on today—on this shitty day—lets do something marginally (marginally!) harder: let's not get all hurt over some Internet

I don't think they're looking to be constructive. I think a lot of POC right now are really angry and scared and trying to vent.

All that does is make more racists. Seriously, instead of forming a consice argument or starting a dialogue it's fuck white people this, and whaaa I'm white that. It's ignorant, and quite frankly just as ignorant as those people who think Trayvon deserved it for being black.

So if these "good liberal white people" are so concerned about racism, the police, the justice system et al., where is the outcry over the VRA and the numerous other incidents of black people getting unjustly killed? Its nowhere to be found.

How exactly are you any better? You pretty much just decided that all white people are the worst and if that isn't racist as fuck, I don't know what is. If you somehow got to pick your skin color, let me know how you did it, because I certainly wasn't offered that choice. All I can do is treat everyone like a human

Is there any way she's being tongue-in-cheek?

Leftover Mac and Cheese is delicious. I volunteer to be this specific leftover.