Death to the second shift.
Death to the second shift.
Yeah. All of them seem to be directed at women. Even the guy's cards are about just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean it is because you are a woman, when he takes you out calm down it's not because he thinks he owns you, and in general saying women are defensive or overly sensitive.
I have a friend who did it as a teen, and when I asked her what it was like, she said, "Sting-y."
Vodka tampons seem like the worst possible idea. That's the part of my body that makes the worst decisions while drunk; I don't want to be an enabler.
I really don't see how you expect us to get to the jelly and creme filled center without breaking it.
"Support" might be too strong of a word. I would say "tolerate" is a better choice.
Troy: he's what's for dinner.
This just confirms for me that Mia Farrow is/was motivated by her MATERNAL feelings for her children, and NOT sexual jealousy over Woody Allen.
It isn't an assumption. Ms Farrow explained the reason for the valentine under oath during the custody trial.
Fairly sure you don't know what you're talking about, since Mia found out about the affair when Soon Yi was 19. Fairly sure you're being disgustingly disingenuous when you characterize Woody Allen and Soon Yi as "an older person dates a younger." Fairly sure you're gross.
I know, right? Am I supposed to be horrified by this emotional card that she sent one month after the affair came to light? Wtf?
thank you. Exactly, this is simply an art piece representing her devastation, a rather nice piece of art actually.
Yep. And I admire her style. Very Gorey-ish.
It's so tortured art student. I'll allow it.
Yoko Ono... that is such stoner philosophy.
So 4 years ago she'd never heard a Jay Z song but now it's, "But I also know what I like to listen to"?
And then get accused of being a gold digger, or that you're a MRA stereotype who will only date "up" her station...
This killllllls me.