Is this supposed to be meaningful, or is this this some half-wit with an IQ less than 80 and a beard pretending to give meaning to the possibilities afforded by a sandbox game as intricate as GTA?
Is this supposed to be meaningful, or is this this some half-wit with an IQ less than 80 and a beard pretending to give meaning to the possibilities afforded by a sandbox game as intricate as GTA?
I like when people with "some college" experience let loose their opinions. It's cute. DON'T BURN MY FRIES, THOUGH!
People who correct the grammar of people posting on forums < a mountain of gelatinous shit.
Weren't we doing the news?
Anyone who holds out in order to bypass nitpicky graphical issues needs to get a life. The game is the same, mane.
You don't care for the name? Well, that's fair enough. I personally didn't care for Microsoft's blatant attempt to rob me of game ownership, so I guess we;re both just gonna have to deal with it.
I spent about 5 minutes playing it before I realized it wasn't for me... not quite sure where you're getting the "Gta to end all other gta's", but I'm pretty sure you're a fucking moron.
Is anyone here checking the jealousy-meter of angry shut-ins?
are you expecting the next great American novel or a fun F'ing video game? Please consider.
It's worth every penny. Wonderful game.
I jussa hope dis game gonna get made!
I've been a fan of the Splinter Cell franchise since the beginning.
TT has a spotty track record (and this is my personal opinion, so all ye blobs relax), but I doubt that this game will be any good. I may very well be wrong, though, and I hope that I am, because I love a good adventure game. However, they missed the ball on both the Jurassic Park IP and the BttF IP, and they (yes,…
I should like this game, but (and it's my opinion, so lone trolls don't blow a gasket), to me this game is to Bioshock as Saint's Row is to GTA... A watered-down clone that has neat gimmicks and tricks, yet lacks the the integrity of its better.
Psh. It'll be great to go back to Rapture. The city under the sea had way more allure than Columbia, plus Andrew Ryan was a fantastic nemesis.
Two over-praised game devs walk into a bar...
The longer the wait, the higher the expectations. I really hope this game eventually sees the light of day.
David Jaffe. Bleh. Cory Barlog is the one who deserves all of the credit that this dough-boy receives. Jaffe is a pissy untalented hack that is best served handing me fries at my local McDonalds.