
Bunch of wierdos

I like the interface.

I ventured into the Glowing Sea with my Power Armor, late last night, and was getting a bit drowzy (IRL, not in the game). Next thing I know, I’m waking up at 3:00 on the couch, with my VATS locked in on an enemy turret. I have no idea where I was at, and am anticipating having to go back a handful of save files and

what kinda pachinko game is this?

I was all aboard the hype train for this, especially because it takes place in my home town, but goddamn did the trailer leave me feeling “meh.” I guess I didn’t know what I actually expected but it feels way too same-y to get pumped for.

Next year it'll be 9 years since Half Life Episode 2. It ended on a cliffhanger. I don't know why it never continued. Maybe they don't care. It's not their top priority. They ran into problems. They're waiting for the technology to reach the graphical level they want to achieve in HL3 or whether they're waiting for VR

Only because of the internet. Imagine if it was gone again. I'd be richer, but I'd be stuck with only knowledge of a small area of Birmingham. I'd have to venture to places randomly. How horrifying.

I'm actually pretty disappointed about this. I was hoping it would at least be about one of the less explored characters, if not a whole new set of characters. But we know what happens to Ellie and Riley already pretty much.

Or you know... you could just... not buy it