Yeah. You have absolutely zero clue as to what he’s referring to, right?
Hmm. To me, a person with (shameful, I know, but I’m gonna say it anyway) exquisite taste, RDR2 is in the top 3 games of all time.
Yikes. Maybe take your own advise?
Let me pen a quick obtuse and flowery post to call something obtuse and flowery
Sigh. Cramming “minorities” (cringe) into a game simply for diversity’s sake is more racist than letting the game be what it is. Holy fuck get down off of Mount Pious and grow an ounce of common sense you fucking pussholes.
Why do you continually put minor spoilers in the headlines for recent releases?
I’m calling it - VR is going to follow the same pattern as the original Wii. It’s going to catch on fire this holiday with the more mainstream release of the PS VR, burn bright for a few months to a year, then fade away as an almost laughable fad.
Every time I drive by a church and see a pudgy neckbeard sheepishly drop his phone to his side, I can almost hear his thoughts. “I’m going to losth STHOO MucTH WeiGHT and STHHooN the m’LadiEEThs wIll Rue the DAy THey ever ShunnEd ME”
Is that image available as a print somewhere?
When people complain about a perfectly good ass, I’m pretty sure that means we are almost officially out of legitimate things to complain about. I mean, just wow - are we raising a legion of pussies?
They’re rebooting the premise of something happening in quasi-real time, not the original plot of the series. Grow the fuck up, dude.
The nose ring is like a railroad sign for “this mouth is a penis parking garage”.
If the lil’ pussy relegated himself to bawling in his safe one because he didn’t get exactly what he wanted for Christmas, then maybe a cock and balls will be on his wish list in the near future.
Garbage produced by garbage sells to garbage
MGS was garbage, Fallout 4 was great, but just more Fallout, and The Witcher 3 was a reinvention of a franchise that rivaled and surpassed it’s contemporaries in every way. I’m sure the mental midgets will rally, but as someone who has played every iteration in the three IPs that I mentioned, I can speak from…
I’m so tired of whiny editors whining just for the sake of whining. I’m a 35-year-old gamer who has played and seen it all, and neither this game nor its interface is “terrible”. I like the fact that it’s clunky (I assume this was an aesthetic choice, and I think it fits perfectly and adds to the immersion). Also,…
Gosh, those graphics seem to just “fall out” of 2007! (I’ll show myself out)
Ah, Doom. That franchise being kept alive by geriatrics that no one really cares about. Neat.