
Really? I mean, I've played Metro: Last Light... and frankly I think it's worthy of a "C-" at best. Seriously, sometimes I think some people are allergic to games that get great reviews... like some sort of innate half-wit gene kicks in and whispers to their stupid master - "Hey, don't like this... it's good. Other

This chick sure loves her eyebrows

Your apprehension should not be directed towards this - instead try to focus your free time delving into the wonderful world of pussy. It's coming pretty soon.

Bleh - bitter nerds are always going to find a fault with something, even as something as wonderful as The Last of Us. I hope Naughty Dog doesn't change a damn thing with the upcoming sp dlc or the inevitable sequel. That is to say, I hope they keep the same gameplay and difficulty. You know what? Fuck it - I hope

It's a video game. It's not a dissertation on the human psyche... Kotaku, go home. You're drunk.

Why is this even being discussed? Wow.

At this point I honestly couldn't care less if Valve ever released another Half-Life. I can't even remember where the story left off. I hope they opt for a new IP instead of a sequel to some game that only uber-geezers pine for.

Are you 95 years old?

I am going to sell all 8 of my pre-orders to desperate parents.

Look, he thinks he's smart! That's cute.

LOL! You can read! Um, gratz?

If your little "makes Joel look infected" remark turns out to be a spoiler - then we are going to have a problem.

I'm going to buy both consoles. I'm going to play the DRM-free ones on my PS4, and I'll play the Xbone exclusives on my SpyXbox. Easy peasy.

Are you working for Microsoft :) ?

The fact that some people seem to think that Microsoft's business model is "no big deal" worries me. If I buy a house, or a car - it is mine to use and mine to sell, if I so desire. I'm not going to pay 6 figures for a car that I can't eventually sell.

I've never stolen a game in my life... believe me or not, it's true. But mark my words... if Microsoft is okay with selling me things that I don't actually own, than I am more than fine with possibly torrenting the FUCK out of every game that comes out for their fledgling lil' console. Suck my dick, Microsoft...

I've never once stolen a game. But I'm going to torrent the FUCK out of Xbone games. :) That is all.


Yeah - that's what I thought, too.

This is wonderful. Great work.