
Part of my job is making wedding invites so my advice? Letterpress/engraving is worth it if you super love the look and you love stationery and it makes you happy thinking about it. Even if I was having a small, budget wedding I would splurge on that because I love stationery. If that's not your thing, save you money

I think if you're gross enough to put your bag on the floor of the subway, you probably dont' care about putting your bag on your bed.

Hahah ok forgive me now to cos I was straight up bitchy back to you! But genuinely that was the kind of thing I thought I might be missing when I was thinking that this was off, so having that info definitely makes me see this in a different light, so thanks for sharing!

Ok there's no need to be condescending...I have been following the news, but obviously not closely enough, I didn't know that. It does add another dimension - this exactly why I asked the question, I didn't want to assume it was completely rubbish and was looking for other opinions. So thanks for sharing that,

You're totally right - that's why I didn't want to be all 'this is useless and lame'...this might be one of those situations where something is better than nothing?

In the grand scheme of things this whole politicians on social media thing is soooo new, so there's absolutely going to be a period of time where everyone's figuring out what's appropriate/effective.

Thank you for articulating it! I think you've hit the nail on the head about why this feels off! Hashtags seem like something you do when you want to look like you care but can't actually really do anything about it, but I feel like maybe FLOTUS could do something more effective? On the other hand maybe she's doing

I think TerataDeVille summed it up well - which is why I put this vague-o comment here, hoping some one would articulate it better than I could!

I'm having complicated feelings about this whole first lady holding a hashtag sign...does it seem a bit off to anyone else? But at the same time I don't want to take anything away from anything at all that might help actually bringing the girls home.

Where are you dining? I've lived in a few places and US service is definitely more...attentive? But Australian service (on the whole) is great....crappy service happens everywhere, it's certainly not more common in Australia. I think at fancy-pants places in Australia (similar to in places in France) you tend to get a

QUESTION TIME....what is the distinction between burger and sandwich? In Australia anything in burger bun is called a burger and anything between flat bread is called sandwich America can it only be a burger if it has a burger patty?

YES THIS. If you're going to donate/sell, swap your seasons. Do you summer stuff now (or winter stuff now if you're in the southern hemisphere). It means the stuff is actual useful to charities and if you're selling yourself you'll get a better price.

As 27 other people have pointed out, there are charities that do pick ups. I'd go with bugging your friend though! I'm the friend with the car, and I wouldn't mind being asked because it would remind me to take my stuff that I've been meaning to donate for a while. Both do a purge, do your donation run, have coffee

YES - A Snakebite is half beer, half cider, a dash of blackcurrant and all regret!


That IS A fun fact!

TRY SHIT ON. I have so many lovely things in my wardrobe now that I never would've bought a few years ago because I just would've assumed they didn't work on me when I saw them on the rack. Go to a shop you like the vibe of, bring a stylish and supportive friend, try on a shit load of things. Try on whole outfits

I love this! Not actually sending it, but making him sweat - that's some classy 'venge right there