Woman’s son writes excellent blog!
Woman’s son writes excellent blog!
Hey you know what fuck you
I regret to inform you that my favorite workout songs are Eye of the Tiger and Man in Motion (St. Elmo’s Fire).
Actually, my previous snarky comment aside, I was thinking about this over lunch and what really rubs me the wrong way about the typical homeschooling advocacy I hear — this piece emphatically included — is that most of what they present as “education” is stuff that my parents did with little baby…
They both sound probllamatic.
Guys, guys, we’re missing the point. This is not about Margot Robbie or Australia - this Train fanfic disguised as a celebrity profile. Dude managed to get a major magazine to publish his best soy latte and deep-fried chicken! His own personal Virginia with all of her contradicting not-faults!
But is she from Australia?
How iz ostralya formed?
So many dead orangutans.
WORD. It’s not even an interesting or uniquely shitty thing to say. At least make a fucking joke or post a gif. Or just whisper it and pat yourself on the back.
Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.
It’s not academic study, it’s investigative journalism.