
Someone weird? On IO9? Really?

OK, you misspelled...oh never mind. I think you are right. I was just asking around the edges to be sure there wasn't a way to have my cake and eat it too. The Steroidal injections, I assumed would be in smaller doses than was producing and possibly science could manage my bodies needs better than

I haven't held you to any standard. I have simply said "I'm not interested in talking about it." Neither one of us is under ANY obligation. Of ANY kind. For ANY reason. This is a comment thread. Nothing more.

I run a business. It's minute by minute - as most small business are. that a cringe worthy pun? If so. Well played sir. Well...played.

Look this discussion was TWO YEARS AGO. And I run a production company. You jumped into a thread that I vaguely remember. Are their citations? Yes. Millions. On both sides. Look them up yourself. I'm trying not to be rude but I don't want to dig up all the articles and objections (brought to the WHO by the way) that I

Again, not my claim but we aren't talking about one study, one agency or one scientist. Secondly you are correct, it's about both. I was speaking in this instance to your claim that externalities and variables can be controlled for. Which is true as far as that goes. But the records in many cases - especially those

Neither assertion is mine. Both have been stated and restated by various health and human welfare organizations since the 1970s. There is truth on both sides but the bottom line is every study comparing global life expectancy and infant mortality rates has been compromised by local record keeping to some degree.

Really good point. Hadn't thought of that. I have a feeling this study is yet another case of correlation not being the same as cause. My only possible explanation would be heart damage of some kind but as pointed out elsewhere in this thread, low testosterone can be a factor in heart disease. I'm going to go with

RE low testosterone: I know and that puzzles me. I have no belief whatsoever that castration would actually extend my life. How do proponents of this study reconcile this and other findings on the use and value of testosterone? My only point was if it were applicable at any point... Which I admit is somewhat absurd.

I never said I would enjoy it!

Portal 3, 4, 5, 6 etc...

As I mention elsewhere - saturation levels, exact chemical composition. But I don't deny that you are more likely correct than not.

I think you win this thread.

Possibly. As I state else where, artificial application allows discreet control of dosage which is obviously critical. As for the "oid" issue, my point was natural vs artificial. This usage is admittedly not clinically correct but got the point across or so I imagined.

Conceivably. But possibly the dosage required is far less than that which occurs naturally. Either way by age 80 I'm likely not as worried in either case.

I suspect this is the case as well.

You have won. It doesn't matter what. You have won everything.

The question is what would be the latest moment that castration was theoretically effective. If castration in your (presumably healthy) 80s were as effective as castration in your thirties then sure. Why not? I can take prescribed hormonal or steroidal supplements for muscle tone and general fitness. And at 80 I

I agree completely about the character motivation WTF. I wrote about it elsewhere here. I sort of held my nose through the first five episodes and the characters seemed to finally start acting rationally. Although we still have to live with the bizarre behavior that set everything in motion. I agree that the internet