
Maybe I should have said it wasn’t saying anything very well. Because I agree with you. Ham fisted is the description I would use. Over the top for sure.

No. Not for Christianity. First there simply is no 'Christianity as a whole'. The various denominations are diverse in tradition and liturgy. Many have their own version of the Bible. Second, of the things that are common through a plurality of denominations, Christianity is entirely based on the principle of

There is no little brain.

I am astonished no one brought up the cromulence of embiggen. Such an omission seems unpossible.

I'm pretty sure that the actual construction of the elevator will require an orbital 'anchor' at one end with fabrication and engineering capability onboard. If that turns out to be the case then the counterweight will likely be the original construction platform self modified over time to become the space platform

I think that is an engineering issue that is at least as easily resolved as the tensile strength of the tether itself. After all what do you do with the existing potential of a conductive cable traversing layers of charged atmospheric layers that regularly interact and discharge in violent storms? I think integrating

Power would most likely be captured by a solar array in orbit and transmitted physically down the ribbon to the climber. Obviously backup power probably in the form of a pebble bed or thorium reactor (both of manageable risk) would be standing by at the platform in case of emergency. There has also been a case made

So we can conclusively state that the Master Chief is on Mars and looking after the rover. You'd think Cortana would be able to handle this on her own.

It needs to be pointed out that this is a paper construction model (the armature at least). Despite the medium's inherent limitations Delfino brings it together seamlessly. The lighting especially is an accomplishment - zero leaks. This points to the potential for building impressive mantle piece models on relatively

Ah, this is nothing compared to the twig of '92!

They didn't make Constantine straight or bi. They made him appear in thirteen episodes. Had the show continued, like Hellblazer, John's sexuality would have unfolded as the universe unfolded. You don't hit all of the subtle notes of a new character at the front of your story. Character, like plot is revealed in the

Boobs have betrayed me many times. Or maybe cause me to betray myself. Either way.

When spell check kills.

I work annually with a breast cancer awareness initiative at a local university. They claim that colon cancer is actually a greater threat but I have never thought to ask about methodology. It may well be the incidents vs survival as listed. But I have no doubt your numbers are accurate.

Exactly. Breast cancer typically has funding in step with research and treatment yet it isn't the number one killer of women (that distinction goes to heart disease). Yet colon cancer kills more women than breast cancer and it always seems to need more money. Also, while less virulent, prostate cancer will strike

I had no idea my Mother was Ayn Rand.

It's not just you. I saw it. Bought it myself of DVD and gave it to a friend on BluRay...who loved it and threw a party where new viewers watched it...and loved it.

You aren't alone. Somewhere there is a stick that no one wants to touch that needs to be dislodged from a horrible place.

It would be nice if YouTube were as serious bout deflecting false copyright claims as they are about warning copyright infringers. I own something in the area of ten thousand dollars worth of licensed, royalty free loops, tracks and music. I'm personally in communication with the five or so companies that distribute

The study seems to feel that cancer, heart disease and some autoimmune function can be adversely or beneficially influenced by testosterone. Yes, behavioral influences are a huge question mark but the article above points to that very debate. My point was made with the existing supposition that testosterone did in

Or...they just REALLY enjoy being squirrels.