
“it wasn’t really trying to do or say anything - at least nothing that hasn’t been done or said better elsewhere.”

Yea but see I read the God Delusion and my newfound expertise in theology says that you're wrong.

you said your unfamiliar with the meme? Theres a in depth story behind it by Mr. Creepypasta on youtube. Its an entire playlist. Its really something to listen to.

Chris Pratt having a pack of raptors is the greatest idea ever and no one will convince me otherwise.

I really wanted to hate this, but the 13 year old inside me keeps telling me it is going to be awesome.

Won't even open a damn door.

That's interesting only because I've heard recently about how Windows 95 was one of Microsoft's crowning achievements.

You obviously never tried using Windows ME.

By the time I earned the requisite engineering degree to program the record timer, this bad boy was obsolete.

Seriously....this entire movie is just an elaborate Funny or Die video, right? They cannot POSSIBLY think this is what fans of the comic want.

To me, "I could care less" is a new type of phrase. Call it a contradictory phrase. It is a phrase that is always meant to be taken as sarcasm.

TL;DR, you are not speaking Latin, you nimrods*.

Thank you.

Yep, that's actually the episode I officially stopped watching (at least in first run). And for years I referred to it as "the episode that cheese took over the ship." Turns out, lots of people call it that.

Believe me, it gives me no pleasure to invoke Voyager, but they do about two or three of these space elevator articles a year!

BLARG! Not this moldy old Maglev story again!