
Oh God...

Or, based on the hyphen, an android-bear hybrid. The only remaining question is left or right hemisphere bear?

Yeah, I had the same problem with the trailer. Does Hemsworth hack the interweaves using a machine gun? He does a lot of pointing at random code on expensive monitors. I don't actually see him doing anything resembling mad exploits. But admittedly this is two minutes twenty of the feature film. Presumably the rest of


Patience. I need to calculate the going rate for neutronium.

You are correct on both counts. So I will revise my laser defense strategy. Have the missile carry enough mass to warp surrounding space and either deflect the beam or trap it in an orbital path around the missile while never actually reaching its surface. If your missile is massive enough, the laser will vanish

The Origin site is experiencing...issues.

Of course there are. All you need is a magnetic field strong enough to divert the laser energy around the missile or vessel. So you need to equip missiles with nuclear reactors and rings of high energy super conductive electro magnets and you are all set. Also a launch vehicle capable of boosting several thousand tons

It just makes sense to keep the mass on the weapon platform and project the kill energy at the target. Currently, most of the kill energy is wasted accelerating mass and hence kinetic energy at a target. This kind of rebalancing of the energy/kill equation not only makes sense but is inevitable.

This is by no means a criticism but the pyrotechnic issues, the size of the Endurance and the salt effects are in no way new. Models the size of the Endurance are not terribly common but are by no means rare. The original Discovery in 2001 was famously fifty feet long. The Roger Young from Starship Troopers and the

"...still really uncomfortable with an entire recasting of this classic cast, but Arnold stays the same?"

Yes. It's a spark shower caused by the rotor striking the pavement when the cockpit lays on its side. When the iris opens again the helicopter's airframe is intact and unburned. It looks like an explosion but noting is scorched or blown open.

Thank God it's not just me.

I would like to point out that Boyega is the living embodiment of my first character from the old GDW Star Wars RPG. A stormtrooper (apparently) left behind in a Tatooine dessert, pissed and done with the whole "Join the Empire and See The Galaxy" schtick.

Not an explosion. Thank god.

I am blessed by the acquaintance of a truly codependent cat. This cat (Mr Whiskers) is not only friendly, but needy and demanding. He demands affection, attention and constant hands-on affirmation. Somewhere all this DNA programmed behavioral retention failed.

Download the pdf. then search for the references (1 and 2).

It's all found footage. I know it's hard to tell from the abrupt edit of the trailer but the pixilation and dutch angles give it away. Also the creator says this is the case:

Unless they already did...

I just can't watch found footage films anymore. I'd rather the window into the narrative be invisible. If the story is strong enough to depict, support and propel the characters (and indeed the other way around) why do I need a gimmick to force a sense of reality on the process?