More effective? Maybe. Less fun? Certainly!
More effective? Maybe. Less fun? Certainly!
WTF? Shatner now has his own official runabout? Where was this shot? Does Michael Okuda now design the interiors or Winnebagos?
Quite true. I'll go one further.
Beast. Headline. Ever!
Growth in the economy is fairly misunderstood. We assume that growth has to do with innovation and architectural expansion. Economic growth to a large extent is predicated on population. If the US population continues to slow and eventually contracts could we see economic contraction? You bet. The size of the economy…
So it's either corrupt politicians or angels with you. No middle ground. No people with working morality. So which are you? An angel or a corrupt politician? I'm no angel but I'm an ethical, honest and reliable person. And in power, I would want my actions to be both transparent and accountable.
The UN as it stands now is incredibly corrupt. We'd have to have complete internal transparency and and independent review authority with real teeth to match any global power. Right now there is simply no authority that can be trusted with running its own internal operations never mind the legislative and executive…
Prometheus and Men In Black were neither best nor worst. Both films were solid enough they simply did not excel. Mediocrity does not qualify a film for a place on the "worst" list. Expectations are not a metric to measure quality. Both films are fine. Which is to say they weren't bad. But I wouldn't put either on my…
I was so worried about how the dwarves would come across and was *so* pleased with what was done on screen. I was touched both with the moment between James Nesbitt and Freeman as well as the coda with Richard Armitage. Both really hit me in a way I was not expecting.
Ex-actly !
The time honored tradition of horse whips and quarterly decimation has served my gulag well. Decapitations are down nearly 10% and productivity is at an all time high since the introduction of no one gets a finger gut off (and fed to the guard dogs) Friday.
I think haters, critics and "bloaters" need to go back and rewatch Fellowship of the Rings. THAT was a disappointing movie. This movie suffered at times from a case of the sillies. Otherwise, I was happy as a squid through all 2+ hours of Bilbo and those awesome dwarfs. I'll go one further. Jackson added to this film…
Was Solaris?
No I am disturbed and impressed.
Very good points. And it's also fair to point that Mary Jane Adventures was considered a children's show and aired on CBBC while Doctor Who did not. So yes, I see what you mean. But the BBC has in the past derisively referred to Doctor Who as 'that children's show' so you see the confusion. But I side with your…
Really? no one? NO ONE? REALLY?
Come on! Come on!