Waiting for the inevitable “I caught a Dragonite and it turned into a Ditto” posts...
Waiting for the inevitable “I caught a Dragonite and it turned into a Ditto” posts...
Agreed. I added five Pokedex entries from all the walking I did that week. Now I need 21 more candies for a Magneton, and it’s a serious pain.
I’m guessing there’s no shortage of clapped-out end-of-life Priuses out there, especially since a lot of them end up as taxis these days.
I’ve seen prices like that on other dealer sites, it seems to be a placeholder for something that isn’t available for sale yet, and when they do have it for sale they remove the first digit to show the real price.
Five Guys is pretty good (no Smashburger here so I don’t have an opinion on those) but my go-to for fries is Red Robin with the seasoning salt and a side of tartar sauce.
I’m pretty sure the statute of limitations has passed on that one.
I’m reminded of Guybrush Threepwood’s wanted poster in Monkey Island 2 that keeps getting updated with new crimes as you proceed through the game:
They did some sort of back-end update today which broke the tracker sites.
I’ve watched Trihex on Twitch a fair bit, and he always does various button mashing on the controller during unskippable parts to keep the tempo up, as others below have noted.
I’ve only seen one Snorlax so far and it ran away. Level 24 now.
I don’t really have any good ones here, but the weirdest one I can recall is the time my parents took us off-roading in our family’s VW Vanagon in an effort to induce labor (If I recall, my mother was 9 months pregnant with my youngest sister at the time.) Along the way, we got plenty of funny looks from people who…
But he isn’t dressed like a peasant, he doesn’t smell like a peasant, and he isn’t on fire like a peasant.
Although I never played it, Second Life sent misbehaving players to a cornfield:
Oh, and if you really wanted, you could have them all being led by a Ultimate Evolved bowl of soup:
Sounds a bit like Puzzle and Dragons these days. With all the various collaborations they’ve done you could theoretically take on a dungeon in that game with a team that has Batman, Hello Kitty, Goku, Cloud Strife, EVA Unit-01 and Angry Birds on it (or characters from quite a few of other Animes such as Bleach, Ruroni…
And watch out for parties.
Second place won a bag of salt.
These days I haven’t kept up with Sony much and don’t know the answer to that, but back in the Krazy Kaz and Wile E. Kutaragi days of the PS2 the answer would have been an unequivical yes.
All I know is that there’s still plenty of lures on the Pokestops around here and I still can’t keep anything in a gym for more than a half hour at a time. I don’t see it disappearing as soon as you think.