
If I had a gun I'd shoot my laptop.

There are plenty of Gawker police, protecting all kinds of "freedoms" on a daily basis. Welcome aboard.

Ok- will you do the rest of us a favor and talk to Chad, though? He has guns and seems a little unhinged. Or, I guess we could just hope everything just goes ok...

Not as much as the NRA or their clients, the firearms industry.

You should follow @icpchad- he agrees with you and also thinks these latest shootings were staged. Do you think these latest shootings were staged?



The old doubling-down-on-the-triple-scoop strategy.

Game, set, retch.

Is it: white folk?

Thanks, Chrome.

Looks like a Maakies character.

Horse semen doesn't come cheap.

Stay classy, Wilford Brimley.

"We'll do it in the bottom of the 6th, but it'll be $100 a man."

*white hot intensity

Yeah what's going on there? Is there some proxy race war going between NBA and NHL fans? Fascinating.

There's likely zero data, anecdotal or otherwise, on the mental and emotional condition of players from the 20's to the '50's, right? Hasn't the case been made that there's a correlation between heavier, faster people slamming into each other (and the ground) and CTE, which let's be honest, is the only effect we care

Midnight Oil? Blech. Men At Work or GTFO. Sorry, that's just how I feel.