
"Metrosexual" doesn't sound so bad anymore, does it.

For my moms

Alderaan '77. Never forget.

Too late!

Meme based economy. The youth aren't ready to inherit the planet.


Sounds like a fulfilling way to lead a life- handjobbing corporate PR firms for free inedible food or landfill bound tchotchkes manufactured by 3rd world slaves whose jobs used to be here, sustaining a middle class and affording college educations to children not really needed anymore as child mortality rates have

I'm guessing you come down in the "grey" camp.

Meh. 1/10 Catalons awarded.

"Nice shot, Mr. Hamilton."

Pics or it didn't happen, blood.


"Duuhhhh- I will catch it and bounce it and grab it and put da rock in da hole George..."

That is literally, the best tweet- in the history of the universe.


Kind of a lot of blood, chainsaw etc. references, idk...

It's a gimme on the 19th hole.

Hold your heads high, District 5B-MN. You elected him. Own it.