
See below.

Do you know who you have the "privelege" of interfacing with in AlexLinder5?
Do a quick search. Take note.

What you did there? You are it. I see you...

Thanks, Putin.

That'll keep 'em busy for awhile.

Great trolling! "*aberrosexual*" awesome!

? What's "liberal" about editing out the tolerance part of the address?

It's geopolitics. To cut the "inclusive" nature of the speech helps all involved save face. All politicians, that is. And that's fine. We're neither going to restart the Cold War nor stop doing oil deals and grind the gears of the world economy to a halt over fagbashing. If they start throwing the LGBTQ+ community

Pretty sure those are the up ramps.

I saw Immoral Shitshow open for GWAR at the Cow Palace in '92. They rocked.

Yer old.

Needs more beard, plaid, PBR.


This. That guy couldn't

Now playing

press play all ye who dare; ye who fucking salivate for leadership, with direction and purpose:

Because Vespucci?

haha and genocide victims. Why, dude.
(-/-) (—) (>_<)
Last one kinda looks like Cartman, huh. ourselves is "Irish"? Is there a leprechaun pictured? Or a potato...or? It's just a blank screen on my phone. Is it a bottle of Jameson? Fuck.