
They can fly with their pet in a seat, or they can arrange for someone else to fly with their pet in a seat, or they can rehome their pet. Or they can choose not to blame others when the 9-month-old animal bred to have breathing problems that they decided to stick in a cargo hold for nine-ish hours dies on them.

Eh, maybe it’s time for pet owners to commit to either treating their pets as people, in which case they need to be booked a seat appropriate for their size and travel with a minder, or animals, in which case there needs to be another option to flying them half way around the world.

Daphne Zuniga, who you may remember from Melrose Place or One Tree Hill, Spaceballs

Pretty much. At work I’ve noticed the ‘boymom’ shirts means ‘I’m just going to let my kid do whatever he wants because well, he’s a boy! Shrug! What you gonna do?!’

YES. And I guarantee that every #boymom who says “well, my son has lots of energy/likes playing with toy trucks/makes fart jokes” because he’s a boy also uses that justification to excuse behavior that ranges from totally normal for a child that age (meltdowns and tantrums happen), to totally abnormal but justifiable,

Exactly. #Boymom is the precursor to “Boys will be boys.”

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the

Emotional support animals are not service animals. Service animals undergo special training to perform a specific task for a person with a disability. This can be anything from be a person’s eyes to recognize an oncoming seizure. They’re covered under the ADA. Those vests you see that say, “Don’t pet me. I’m working,”

That video is disgusting and is absolutely abusive. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a Paul but her shift into angry, abuse mode and the look on her face is really chilling. She is so violent and spiteful to that poor dog who confused, just responds with love and playfulness, it’s heartbreaking. It’s the kind of

Exactly. Also can we stop these people with no backgrounds in early childhood development or psychology making these broad statements about what is and is not harmful for young children? PLEASE! Because as someone who has spent hundreds of hours both in and out of a classroom working with young children and reading

Now playing

Try Ghosts then. It’s a comedy set in a country house inhabited by, well, ghosts including a WWII Officer, Scout Leader, Country Lady, Scullery Maid, Michael Heseltine looking MP who died in a sex scandal, and others who drive the new couple owning it half mad.

I see that Dershowitz and Rudy Giuliani share the same dentist

Missing from this piece is Biden’s last big major legislative “achievement” in the Senate: passing the Bankruptcy bill in 2005, which he fine-tuned to benefit banks over consumers - just in time to exacerbate the misery when the economy collapsed in 2008. (Elizabeth Warren, incidentally, spoke out vociferously against

Begging Eric to take you back?

Regardless of whether it’s popular or not, it’s a fact that children under a year old should have no screen time. So when you have unlimited resources for child entertainment and education, and still end up with a one year old who has watched enough tv to have a favourite, then it’s your own poor decision making. The

Am mom. This was my initial thought too. My baby is a few weeks younger than Kulture and likes Elmo only because that’s my default on Youtube to cast to our TV while I cut his nails. The way my normally bright eyed and gregarious baby zones out in front of Elmo makes me wish I had $100k to spend on a personal early

I grew up in a time of no seat-belts, sips of dad’s beer and and sitting on my grandpa’s lap steering the car. But even I knew not to let an infant watch television. I’m serious about this - kids shouldn’t have access to screens for longer than a moment until they’re older than 2. Fight me!

Why does a not-yet-one-year-old child even have a favorite TV show? And don’t even think about dogpiling me, moms. I’m not judging your plebeian choices. But if they can afford to spend $100K on the world’s tackiest necklace, they can afford qualified child care experts who don’t just plunk the kid in front of

a) Bring fully prepared food with lots of fresh vegetables.

I would have loved an L.L. Bean boat tote filled with essentials.