
Yes, because the reason these things grew on my body, without my permission or intent or desire, far before I was mature enough to handle the attention, was because as a child I wanted skeezy adults to harass and terrify me by following me around using words I wouldn’t understand for years.

Add having inescapably large breasts on top of that since age 13 and just watch the damn pain set in.

Yeah, not knowing what the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is, is not something to brag about. It’s one of the best charities in the world. They’ve done more the near eradication of malaria than any government or charity in the world.

It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.

That’s fascinating. And, oh, yes, I was totally off; I did believe she had Spanish heritage when I wrote the first comments.

Her family is not Spanish and moved to Spain to retire. The fact that she gave another impression tells you all you need to know.

Well, no. Vacationing in Mallorca with your rich American family does not make a Massachusetts prep school graduate named Hillary into someone who would say “How do you sayee in eengleesh ‘coocumber?’” It’s not like visiting your relatives in Georgia and coming back saying “ya’ll” for a week.

The better question is why would you vote for a grown ass adult who hasn’t figured out libertarianism is nothing more than a selfish fantasy.

My parents discovered I was gay at the end of my senior year of high school, right before graduation. My father beat me nearly unconscious and I literally ran out of the house with only the clothes I was wearing. I snuck back in twice to get some things, but it barely amounted to a suitcase’s worth of stuff.

I stayed

Absolutely, hard and fast agreement with Graham. It’s not even about asking for a restroom... if that restroom doesn’t have a change table, I am absolutely not changing my child on the floor of of a public washroom.

The point of prison isn’t supposed to be that it brutalizes people—it’s supposed to be adult time out (sometimes forever). Prison violence, and the inhumanity of the carcerel system should be thought of as failings, not “features” of the system.

She didn’t just do well because she bodied Bloomberg. She also came with detailed itemized plans of who she will tax, how she will pay for her plans and she is the only who consistently tied economic and social/racial inequality to health care, education, climate change, child care, immigration etc. The only minus was

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

Just chiming in to say: kudos to your mom for being better than her own mother.

I’m so glad that you got that wisdom, and that’s the kind of thing I hope to impart to my own daughter, if that’s the road she takes. My own mother told me, at the ripe old age of 27, that passion was overrated and I was some kind of selfish cow for wanting it in my relationship, and that I should marry my boyfriend

Apparently Natalie Portman is now a false ally of women for not having worked with an arbitrary number of female directors to be allowed to call out the Oscar snubbing of female directors according to noted principled crusader and arbiter of activism Rose McGowan.

Fucking Pete. Buttigieg.

Lmao! So true!

You can put honey on a turd, but that don’t make it cornbread.