
Yes 100% - if she’s legitimate she should have a pretty good command of Catalan as well, more than passing phrases...

The other thing that is interesting about this to me personally, but that nobody is mentioning is that if she really had grown up in Mallorca it’s unlikely she would primarily and solely speak Spanish as her 2nd language as Catalan is what is predominantly spoken on that island. I speak fluent Spanish and have visited

But if you say it in a southern accent, ANYTHING can be turned into folk wisdom. “You can put boots in the oven, but that don’t make ‘em biscuits!” Try it!

I am a mom and my first reaction was sadness that a 1 year old has a “favorite tv show.” It’s pretty common knowledge at this point that tv is bad for everyone but exceptionally terrible for kids under 2. That said, for a mom with few resources and no support, who’s doing her best, no shame in that and if your kids

4) How can we be friends? I have been literally descended upon by visitors and well wishers and while I love that I have a community of friends and family who are interested in knowing my baby, not a single one of these motherfuckers have lifted a finger, offered to bring food, or even cleaned up after themselves. I

Fun fact, you cannot “train” elephants to be ridden without abusing them - so hopefully this wedding includes 100% less hideous shit like that.

My mother engaged in the entire panoply of hideous disciplinary tactics listed here “spanking, hitting, slapping, threatening, insulting, humiliating, (and) shaming” and I will testify that it has had lifelong deleterious effects on all of her children, to varying degrees. I was extremely fortunate in that I was able

Depends on where your OBGYN makes the incision I guess - mine was made low, so the elastic on low cut underwear I was wearing prior to delivery landed RIGHT ON the incision site - ouch! High waisted granny panties to the rescue...

Now playing

Mariel Hemingway did it first (1:10)! Yes, I still remember scenes from “Delirious” like I watched it yesterday.

Also he didn’t offer her a job. His ex-girlfriend, who was a publisher played by the hilarious Parker Posey, offered her a job and she turned it down. 

It must depend on where you live - it’s still all over the place in NYC

This is why I can’t understand people’s devotion to Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. Those fuckers still use 100% styrofoam cups. WHY? People, be slightly smarter than this!

You’ve Got Mail is the BEST - I have your back. Mine are all Meg Ryans. You’ve Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, French Kiss (criminally underrated and so funny!), Sleepless in Seattle, Addicted to Love. Also anything by Nora Ephron (of course) and most by Nancy Meyers - special mention to Something’s Gotta Give. OOH

When I look back on it, they were all laughing when it happened. Then when I poured my drink on his head, yelled at him, and punched him in the nose they stopped laughing. So at least, even if everyone at that party thought I was a psycho - and frankly I could give a shit - I didn’t let them get a good time out of it.

The fact that he got paid $ to do it was even more degrading - like I was a commodity. Anyway, I felt the same way you did - that creepy, weird bystander effect where even if people see you being violated, if they are right there, they will still try to act like it was no big deal or that you have no right to be angry.

I was at a party in my 20s, it was actually during the middle of the afternoon, and one guy paid his friend to pin my arms down and shove his face in my cleavage (not that it matters, but I was wearing a sweater and yoga pants). I freaked out - it was so horrible and degrading and disgusting. I dumped my drink on the

Unfortunately you’re probably going to have to spring for a professional. They have to trap/kill the current rat infestation as well as figure out how they have gotten into your home and seal those areas with wire mesh. It’s a bitch. Mice are simpler, larger rodents like rats or squirrels are not really a DIY job...

The thing that bothers me about his apology, and similar apologies of this ilk that are so rampant in our society, is that part where he goes “I don’t know what else I can do.” You know what dude, you hit some women. If you’re really serious about atoning for that, being a better man, here are some ideas. Partner with

Yep - it really pissed me off too because this guy is basically saying “rescues are completely unpredictable and their personalities can wildly change for the worse for no reason,” which is a terrible stigma to place on homeless pets in order to defend 1 person’s bad behavior. Usually a dog needs some time to

Called it - we have a troll here. Do not even attempt to educate - people have NO interest in facts.