
I did. Back in high school, we would always bring the cables connect all our gba's together and play. It took us a while for all of us to beat the game since new players would join us every couple of days, but it was fun. Not to mention the 45 minute recess time we had.

Sorry we were all in canada


It sounds like these mongooses (had to look up the plural), are trying to take over, starting with our islands! We need to do something about this...

First one's a heart, second one is a shark.

Overreacting? How old are you? And why should she just ignore it so that this utter cretin can just carry on doing it to other people?

Yes, a headset is optional. However, playing a game and being able to communicate with other players is a service that you pay for. You shouldn't have to not use that service because people are assholes, and especially when there is a system in place that is supposed to make sure that assholes are weeded out.

.. Are you kidding me? That's like saying you can just "delete" someone when they insult you in person. Yeah, shit happens, people say mean stuff, but they shouldn't get off scot-free because they say such things. They need to be punished, and it's a shame that Microsoft took such a long time to do that.

Just dropping in to say thanks for the praise. I'm the one who did the Mega Mewtwo model, and I made it in just under five days from the moment he was officially announced.

I hate to burst your bubble, but these are more than likely Tool-assisted fighters. They basically program the fight before it happens.

no........just no.

...unless you're using Chrome. Then it just doesn't seem to work.

Hey man, I just want to say I appreciate your arguments, and the read, it's rare to find level-headed individuals when discussing religious beliefs.

Needless to say I agree with you. Well done.

I think the 360 round-house kick was patched. It was a bug caused by the physics engine miscalculation between ground friction and the tanks collision.

Just a heads up to some of you who are commenting, that it's painfully clear who did watch the video and who didn't. And if you didn't, and are commenting about the video anyway, you're just making yourself look foolish.

That's not true. You can make almost any argument in a civil manner. If the criticism is based on her points instead of on her personally, then all you have to do is refrain from using fallacies, insults or attacks. Just because thousands of people fail to exercise even a modicum of civility or respect when addressing

Not the point. The point is I would rather pay for a game I can play anytime instead of being subject to arbitrary timers that tell me when I can play.

You hate it because it's fun to play with a really neat combat system and has cool and funny characters. That's probably it