
Sorry, I had this message on a tab and didn't see the hoards of other comments.

I understand the desire to avoid spoilers, but that was WAY too subtle for an internet comments board. People were going to come in HOARDS to make that easy point, myself included. Though, I will give you an apology for not picking up the

Ah. I see what you were trying to do there. It's usually a good idea to avoid attempts at subtlety online. Hints and tone don't really translate well via text.

You're right. I missed the fact that the original post didn't include any reference about the gender of the statue =0

They forgot all the spinning.

Telling the other guy to kill himself was a bad move on Fish's part, but given how viciously and relentlessly Beer was attacking him, especially on a personal level, I can't really say I blame him.

Yes, because developing games means you are literally required to be insulted, mocked and treated like trash on a daily basis like Phil is.

And what was the point of egging on Phil so damn much?

First commenter to complain that Computer Space and Tennis for Two pre-date pong gets a paddlin'.

Or maybe just a "generation" spaceship. :)

I agree.

Yes, displaying both sides of the footage works with the Oculus Rift when the videos are positioned properly. However, this particular video does NOT. I tested it just now on fullscreened and not fullscreened. Worst demo ever. But I'm sure piloting a drone in this way is ideal. Better yet, have multiple viewers

Why so sad, Fahey? Or are those tears of undeniable probe joy?

Now playing

I'm sorry, but every time I see your name, this plays in my head. And I hate myself for it.

Looks like a WH40k Warhound Titan, you have my money!

Why does the occasional Evan Narcisse post about blackness—out of the dozens he posts each week—equal "every single article" in your world?

>I believe in the clarity of language

I play this game with a decent rig, and while like you said not amazing by today's standards, the graphics are still quite good, especially for a free to play game. When you max out the setting and turn up the FXAA stuff, the textures and explosions really come to life.

Oh hey, now you are speakin my language

My name is Quickius Timeius Eventius, commander of the Armies of the Xbone, General of the Xbot Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Don Mattrick. Father to a murdered Family Sharing Policy, husband to a murdered DRM Policy. And I will have my vengeance, in this Console Generation or the next."

Heh, don't feel too bad Nintendo. Most people these days don't even know what a URL is. They'll just look up "Wii U" on Google.