
I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s

There are a lot of unfounded arguments unfolding in this post.

This strikes me as a matter more along the basis of: Joel insults a player he views as unfairly targeting him, Twitch bans Joel, Joel decides to not apologize.

A few things here.

...time for us to go out to the platforms we will be from.

Oh damn. I mean. Damn. He’s going to be missed.

It shouldn’t be. The Wii U is pretty much the only console you need if you have a decent PC. Its makes a fantastic case for itself while the PS4 and Xbone have not.

Ok, so we gotta keep the one shot monsters away from everyone and make sure people don’t point at each other now and again while keeping dps up on this boss and its adds, and once in a while if someone fucks up, we all wipe due to turning to stone?

Wait, now we can’t look at her either?
and theres a bitch ass poison

Can you think of any other things that have entirely different utilities in real life versus games?

Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others.

Excuse me, but the shards of Narsil wouldn't have been reforged into Anduril at this point.

It's a game with an ESRB rating of M, which means it's aimed at mature audiences, AiSmash. Whereas there have only been two Zelda games rated higher than E10, Twilight Princess and Link's Crossbow Training. I do not need to ask them. Bayonetta is also not part of a beloved long-running franchise that's closely

FUN FACT: Weird Al's newest album has a parody of Lorde, who was born the same year Weird Al released his NINTH album.

The cafeteria is known as "Cafe Mario" and has Not been shut down. Shut down (temporarily) was a third party sushi vendor called "I Love Sushi" that sets up shop inside the cafeteria on Tuesdays. The vendor, which uses portable cookers and coolers, was forced to take a two week hiatus. They are back now and to my

Wow, sounds a bit complicated. Ragardless, I think I might just pick up a 500GB or 1TB hard drive. It'll take quite some time to fill up a 500 GB hard drive, especially since Wii U is last gen hardware, (technically) so I highly doubt we'll see its games reach the size of 35 GB a game, like some PS4 games have

It sounds like Fallout 3 in that regard. That game is just so BIG, with so much content packed in and so many variables. I was all "Ok, so Big Guns skill, Small guns skill, medicine skill. Those sound good, but what the hell is the difference between melee and unarmed? What's this S.P.E.C.I.A.L. crap? Why did my

it controls like dark souls, deliberate movements. A lot of no take backs type things.

Nintendo focuses on making fun games to play with friends, if you want to yell at some kid about how much of a whore his mother is, then you can keep playing Xbox. Nintendo doesn't want that kind of thing on their system.
Miiverse is just as pointless as any other social networking site, forum, or comments section. By

Who else noticed the third taco had tomatoes and sour cream added and was miraculously transformed into the second to last taco in this same image?