
He didn’t encourage civil unrest, he asked “Will there be... or will they die in vain?” as an obvious poke at the hypocrisy of mainstream media and the groups it supports. Are there going to be 3 months of riots now that there was someone wrongfully killed by law enforcement? No. Because it was a Trump supporter and a

My understanding of “blackface” is that it was the practice of painting your face obscenely dark and then intentionally putting stark light highlighting around the mouth to overly exaggerate characteristics...

They’re modeling male outfits for Hrothgar and Female for Viera... You’re suggesting they model both male/female for Viera and male/female for Hrothgar?

I can only imagine how much work it is refitting literally EVERY piece of armor to fit the models of a new race... Really wish people would take a moment to consider that before raising hell about demanding they literally DOUBLE the modeling workload to satisfy their banal “muh genders!” complaint. Fuckin’ entitled

no u

no u

I never put a like on my own post, but I’m guessing you do...

“context never matters”

“likely because they could never get away with behaving so egregiously in the real world”

I mean... if you’re trying to be cheeky, you missed the mark.

Jealous of his success much?

Buuuuuuuuut he America’s president so... suck it libtard.

And what program would that be? Orwell didn’t write 1984 to be an instruction manual or playbook, you tiny-brained weasel.

Finish the sentence you context cutting cucked cunt.

Well... yes... because as you accurately pointed out, it’s his RIGHT. Do you not understand what that means? Because I think you don’t understand what that means...

What proof do you have he’s even homophobic? Context matters.

It’s an inconsistently applied TOS and poorly defined. It isn’t so “clear as day” as you put it, as it doesn’t consider context or intent. Those are massive question marks, but snowflakes like you are prone to one-dimensional tiny-brain thinking, where something as ambiguous as the TOS you referenced are clear enough

But your smugness is that of an asshole... Hmmmmm....

Context matters, otherwise, you’re now just as guilty and deserving of punishment for using “cock-sucking stream sniper fag” even if you put it in quotes.

Because repressing speech completely stops alleged bigots from being bigots...