
But... he was level 90 a few weeks ago...

*holds mic awkwardly, slowly closes his eyes and shakes his head, /facepalm, lets mic slip from hands into the shards of shattered understanding*

LOL! I really enjoyed your last two responses. They represent the epitome of everything uneducated and rude the internet has to offer. You even had a nearly acceptable statement!

So, I take it your opening remark was a mantra you tell yourself right? Cuz you certainly seemed to attempt to follow that advice. What do you bring to the table? Nothing but trolly remarks and poor reasoning. What did I bring? An article published on the front page and read and respected by thousands of Kotakuites

Unfortunately no. I wasn't sure at first, but I just tested it with my hard drive on my friend's Wii U, and it wouldn't read the games on there. The only thing I could do from his Wii U was format the hard drive. If you wanted to bring the games with you then you would have to bring your whole Wii U, which is

Yes you can, up to a 2TB hard drive. Here is the catch (or catches), if it is the kind of external hard drive that has its own power supply, it'll work just fine with a single USB to the Wii U. If it is a passport drive that gets its power from the USB, you'll have to buy a special Y cable that will allow it to draw

I agree that changing the box art was a step in a less-attractive direction, however, as a digital media consumer, I don't particularly care about the box since my game will come to me via the interwebs and stored on a hard drive.

At one point they had a digital sale for the game at $30 on the eShop. I wouldn't be surprised if you could pick up a retail copy for that price or less, if you prefer the physical media.

The things you have listed as being "shallow" are vastly oversimplified. Your statement is very shallow, in that it suggests that there is no need to dive beneath the surface of the ocean because you have water on the top and there is nothing but more water the further you go down. You blatantly ignore the mechanics

Actually, MH isn't shallow, nor does it suck ass. It is actually quite perfect as a game, but it lacks a certain mass appeal. It would be pretty hard to top its depth and complexity, even if this so-called MH looking FF game tried to imitate MH. For a comprehensive breakdown of MH and why it doesn't suck, here is an

If you are interested at all in seeing what makes MH so "deep" and "hardcore," I submit to you this article I wrote. If you would do me a small favor, if you don't want to read it with an open mind about understanding the game, then please do not post disrespectful comments about the game ever again.

Big words without much video proof to back it up... Granted, the video is also 7 years old, and he hasn't exactly stopped playing and improving.

Master Hater/Troll status achieved! Futching adorable!

Thought it would be interesting to see a direct comparison since I haven't updated my Wii U yet, but walked away with terrible mental scars and smudgy Wii U Gamepad imagery... OUT OUT DAMNED SPOT!!!

It is really hard to get worked up about a minor exploit that gives a small speed advantage in a racing game that also happens to be FUCKING MARIO KART PEOPLE!!! Like... Really? Compared to the INTENDED BALANCE BREAKERS, such as an item that notoriously seeks out first place and stops them dead in their tracks, items

That's the great thing about those third party publishers. They can kind of cross the boundaries and break the console fourth wall. Been finishing up Project X Zone on the 3DS (a crossover game of epic proportions, with IPs from Namco, Sega, and Capcom) and even they thought to include a Mario Kart rainbow road joke

Clever (and old) pic, but it is funny just how dated that joke is. There are so many excellent Melee players out there who main as just about everyone else and thrash foxes. Also, there are something like 6 tournament approved stages. FD just happens to be the most popular IMO for several balance reasons. The No

As a heterosexual male, I noticed there was a turning point where I didn't care which gender I played. In fact, I remember quite clearly why I stopped caring about the gender and started playing female avatars on some occasions. It was actually right about the time that Mass Effect 2 came out. Before then, I'd always

Blargh for Male Sheps, Blarghity for Fem Sheps... Yes, the universe was saved by Blargh, and it pleased me.

This is actually a topic I've talked with a few of my friends about. Specifically, I think about it whenever you have someone acting rude or offensive in one of the many online games we play together. I think things like positive/negative reinforcement are great in the moment, but they aren't striking deep enough at