
All this talk of pixels and patterns... no... the real indicator is that they never fill those tacos that full, nor could they even for the sake of dressing for a photo. Look at the meat, it looks like it is bursting at the seams (so to speak), leaving no physical space for the actual shell. All this picture sells me

Interesting that players stealing from each other nets legal action, but there is unfortunately nothing someone like myself can do when the company itself shuts down the US server (effectively destroying everything I put $$$ into) of DFO after I've spent over $900 on the game. I spent it over the course of a couple

I WASN'T going to say anything about this topic, but you're using logic wrong, so I just gotta say something. It isn't a straw man that Articuno76 proposes because they aren't replacing the proposition being made here. The original proposition is that Tomodachi Life is social commentary. Articuno76 used an apt

"OK let's say there's an amusement park that only lets in people under 3 feet. You can't get in and I say, "WELL GO BUILD YOUR OWN AMUSEMENT PARK!" Seems legit."

Knowing how hawk-eyed Blizzard is when it comes to nerfs, this might be the next on the list.

Perhaps another poll to ask how many people play the PS4/3 version with a keyboard is in order? I am glad you did this write-up and query for information, and I'm somewhat surprised by the result actually. I would have expected the majority of people who responded don't use a controller, but I had no idea that the

Wait wuh? Unwavering will on that build? He doesn't stop moving...

"Dude, do you even know what a scientist is?"

A scientist eh? Well, you know what they say, on the internet, nobody knows you're a horse.

You're comparing apples and oranges. Also, if you were to look at the product of Google Glass, how many people know about it? A crap ton. There is power in companies like Google who are so well known and recognized. Facebook is one of the iconic recognized gods of our era (for good or worse, that doesn't matter).

"there now is a great danger that it will become a thing that the WORLD ... wont enjoy"

I don't understand people like you. You like something that is relatively obscure to everyone outside of the gaming space, but when a big named company with lots of money and PRESENCE takes notice of it and gives it probably the absolute BEST chance of becoming something that the WORLD (which I presume you are a part

Final note: Similar to FarmVille, I'm finding it very difficult to talk about titan-entry maneuvers without sounding like I'm talking about sex.

Le sigh... I held back from saying anything in the first article, but I feel like it needs to be said what is REALLY going on here, but FIRST, a definition as a basis.

I think no matter how you look at it, that is the high-road. It just so happens they're one and the same. Preserve your job AND maintain human interaction? I considered the possibility of it being an entirely selfish motivation, but even if it were the case, which we have no way of proving, I'd still say she set

I absolutely loved the fact you danced the Waltz for the Moon. I don't particularly care for dancing, but if I could be so lucky as to find a girl that wanted to perform that dance at our wedding, I would learn it in a heartbeat. 8 is my favorite, followed by 10, so I would say you made solid choices all around!

As others pointed out, she DOES kinda look like she is wearing Garnet's robe, but then the article mentioned he's a fan of Yuna as well, and she IS holding her staff.

Doesn't like Rinoa, dresses as Squall in his seed uniform, the same outfit he met Rinoa in... DOUBLE STANDARD!!!

Well, as a fellow Mormon, what you said wasn't exactly fair as he is clearly ignorant. Nobody with an informed knowledge base would actually say anything like that, so calling him a douche bag is jumping the gun a bit.

Well, a quick search for the definition of "stalk" reveals that it is a verb that means: