
The thing about "common" decency is that it is the form of decency that is "common" or known by all. Well, this guy who essentially stalked Kitty was completely lacking in what one might consider "common" decency. If he had any real sense of what type of behavior was deemed "common" decency, he would have not stalked

Different topic here. That is the wrong assumption to make here. Why is it wrong? Well, perhaps "wrong" isn't the best word, but it is the most useless view of the situation. Your view is more a reflection on yourself than the situation, and since I'm in a time stamp mood, I noticed you replied within 5 minutes to my

This is where you need to realize that sense of entitlement is worth nothing. Does a COMPLETE STRANGER who DIDN'T EVEN GIVE YOU THEIR LAST NAME really OWE it to you to say no thanks? Also, she actually DID express her disinterest in him, pretty much EVERY time she addressed him.

"Oh yeah, that looked cool, I'll give it a shot!"

My point was the focus on etiquette in the phrasing, not whether or not you personally take up arms to AoT fans. Whether or not your intent was to purvey subjective bias doesn't matter, it is still rude to use the phrasing "what do you see in it anyway?" As text fails to convey intonation and intent as well as spoken

Refer to my first post where I point out the difference between "What do you see in it anyway?" vs. "What is your favorite thing about it?" phrasing. If you aren't bigoted, don't ask questions in a bigoted manner, and if you're still not sure about what people see in it, I'd refer you to my previous post that

Quite simply, and to prove a point, I am not going to answer that question directly. I will, however, point to the fruits of that passion and ask that you not take up such a torch and pitchfork attitude and just accept the fact people like it. For some of those people, they obviously like it, like... a LOT... E.G.

Actually, it ISN'T a legitimate question, because it is a loaded question, and those are not fair and don't deserve being answered. A more fair and legitimate question would be "What do you enjoy most about AoT?" See the difference? Asking it the first way is (usually) indicative of a biased inquirer and is meant to

Wii was a fluke of a success, but it was a massive success on all accounts. The install base is ridiculously huge, and got bigger than Nintendo ever expected. Nobody in business is expected to know where lightning will strike, and the Wii was lightning. Wii U, however, VASTLY under-performed by their standards and

Well, to answer your question, that would be... twice... twice, including this time, we've seen direct comparison footage if my memory serves me well. Now, there have been about 5 articles about this game, and just this game, in particular, and most all of them showed HD screens vs. SD screens (or just the HD screens

BUT either way you slice it, that last scene where you see Yuna reach her hand through the transition, one moment she has individual fingers, the next, HAND TEXTURED MITTS!!!

Sad but true. I agree he hasn't made the best "business" decisions in his announcements and planning for the future of Nintendo, but I think the core of their focus is still good, and that is to create great gameplay experiences. Unfortunately, great games aren't all it takes to expand the brand and make lofty goals

It would be a tragedy if he did. That man's personality is ridiculously fun to see in Nintendo Directs. The format has been imitated in collaboration with guest presenters during third party announcements like with the Capcom Direct (can't find a video link atm), but it was just missing Iwata's charm. If nothing else,

Such a wonderful perfect example of circular reasoning. Welcome to Kotaku, where citation isn't necessary to post a comment! I commend you for making the perfect voyage into Kotakuhood, and am proud to be the reason for your maiden post. I'm thrilled to give you your very own first response! Let's get to it shall

"All right, I'm just moving you over into the "apologist" category"

Factual and logical errors you say? You actually found some? I must say, I was all for dismissing her criticisms, but I've never seen her make a criticism that isn't plausible given the context of her approach. Her logic is solid in her context, but it seems people so easily forget the context that rebuttals, both

You have trashy opinions, which I can only say because it is just plain rude to call something trash that people clearly love. You're perfectly entitled to not like the game, but at least go about being a decent human being while doing so.

Beethoven may be a rare exception, but hyperbolic comparisons aside, even he may not have been the only musically gifted deaf person. My circumstances, however, are relatively rampant among 80's and early 90's babies, so I doubt I'm the only one, but I'll take the comparison to good ole B dawg as a compliment.