Kotaku is a strong confident female blog who don't need no games.
Kotaku is a strong confident female blog who don't need no games.
Imagine being part of a major gaming publication — one of the most visited and read on the internet and ending an article with the line 'um, no'.
Okay it's apparent that my grandparents who haven't lived in Hong Kong for nearly 20 years have given me the wrong impression of Hong Kong in comparison to the Mainland.
Here's more from Wolf Smoke - an animated short about Kung Fu cooking girls: http://www.catsuka.com/player/hd/kung_fu_cooking_girls
They still make Simpson's Comics? I used to collect those when I was a kid - well I say collect I was bought one whenever there was a long journey/plane ride to shut me up for a while.
I have family from Hong Kong and you know what surprised me - not a single NPC programmed to spit on the floor.
But the thing is you're gauging a game not by it's quality but by it's quantity. Sure if you were to really stretch Assassin's Creed you could only get about 30+ single player plus however long you wanted to spend in Multiplayer but the extent of playtime doesn't necessarily allude to the game's value.
The sniper images are from the Hitman: Sniper Challenge, The 1990's sitcom opening featuring Coolio is Kenan and Kel, the red-head in the water is the Witcher 2, the stripper is Duke Nukem, the burger shot employee being man-handled is GTAIV, the Nord on Nord action is Skyrim, I don't know what the next one is, The…
Because he's fat.
Thanks man - didn't realise that parts of the review aren't actually the review. Next time I'll just cut bits out and disregard them because they're just 'bullet points' or 'paragraphs' or 'things the reviewer put in for the purpose of reviewing the game in question'.
'Zipping around like Superman on crack with a giant key.'
The Robin thing was actually addressed by Nolan I think. Both Bale and Nolan said they didn't want Robin to appear in the films - however Nolan wanted a representation of the 'Anyone can be batman' ideal so thoroughly engulfed in the films message - in creating the character of Blake he strived to mix all aspects of…
I don't want to be 'that guy' but I've been reading Kotaku for a number of years and this trend in posting purposely controversial things to garner views has only started to crop up since a certain someone left the helm.
Welcome to Kotaku where the content doesn't matter and the inflammatory article Titles bait views.
This T-shirt isn't as cool as the one that they had on offer yesterday which I bought:
Nolan North is also himself really funny as well, so it makes sense that him improvising deadpool comes out with some great lines.
Nolan North works hard and he's good at what he does.
What was wrong with GTAIV? I thought that was the best GTA to date.
I always felt like Arkham City was the big finale to Batman. It had the ultimate end and left me with the feeling there wasn't going to be any more - a prequel I think will be a welcome change.
I felt that way at the start - but by the end of it you DO get a feel for the City. I found it hard to get into AC because I just felt so over-whelmed by the amount it gives you at the start but after playing the story through to the end it was definitely one of my favourite games I played this year.