I hate that “honor code” where nobody’s supposed to tell anybody that anybody’s cheating.
I hate that “honor code” where nobody’s supposed to tell anybody that anybody’s cheating.
...there’s nothing more emasculating than a woman pulling out her credit card.
Silas Timberlake is a real A+ old timey name
That is the worst cat.
That's rich coming from you, MELONS!
or he’ll move to Raveloe & become a miserly linen weaver
Kim Kardashian is apparently terrified that Amber Rose
The Chive is where basic dudebros who can't figure out Reddit go.
Did you miss this part?: "After Jolie's last op-ed, there was a rash of conversation over whether mastectomies for women who carry the BRCA1 gene were really the best way to go; some women said Jolie inspired them to get tested and have the same surgery she had, and at least one study showed that Jolie had been the imp…
I have Degenerative Disc Disorder. No way in hell was pregnancy going to be painless for me.
You're my hero! Good for you and fuck doctors who won't help their pregnant patients get out of misery.
I wouldn't wish it on anyone; I just think that we hear rather too much about how birth is the magical miracle of life and babies are the most best and how all women want to go through it.
Heard it. I'm less than 3 weeks from my due date and baby is putting so much pressure on my pelvis now that its impossible to get comfortable. I'm wearing a god awful maternity belt and popping Tylenol and sooooo miserable.
There are a few things that I wish would happen in every high school sex ed class:
I bought into that whole "trust your body to fulfill its primal biological destiny" thing and ended up having a failed natural home birth after three days of back labor that ended in a hospital transfer and unwanted cesarean. Yeah, most pregnancies can end in an unmedicated vaginal birth if that's what mom wants but…
You dated Newt Gingrich?
Is this Shiloh?
Then you did actually learn something... that you are into lip gloss fetish videos.
1. have gorgeous, full, hydrated lips