
And I'm STILL cheesed off that Paul Giamatti didn't even get nominated for Sideways however many years ago it was. Hey. Fuck you.

Twitter feuds. I suppose being an insufferable brat all the time isn't as exhausting when you're rich.

I missed it, everyone!

Wow, you are not kidding. Jeepers.

Oh dear :(

Thanks, I DID miss it, apparently! :)

This seems like a good enough place to ask if Jez is going to write an article about Emil Hirsch getting arrested for felony assault — for violently attacking and choking a woman? Or did I miss it?

Part of the reason I'll always love Grey's. They had so many chances to save Cristina change her mind on children, and she never did. They had the nerve to let her be a person with a valid choice. ❤️

No one can ever say "Jack White isn't interesting."

I'm a little horrified that I have never heard this before. I'm also mad at my public school education, and ashamed for not bothering to educate myself beyond it. Jesus, it's lose-lose.

That's both beautiful and sad, and I know exactly what you mean. I'm glad he kept it, if just for the little insight years later. :)

My sister worked at a used book store in Austin — they would find naked photos tucked into books ALL. THE. TIME. They had a little board in the break room and everything. Interesting nudes! Vintage nudes.

My grandfather never got his paws on me, but it was fucked up growing up, like, "Ok, so grandpa raped your aunt and your mom and who knows who else, but that was a while ago and we just don't talk about it." I have such stunted emotional connections. I mean, it's hard having love for people who sheltered a rapist and

It's probably shitty that knowing other people came from awful families too makes me feel better. I'm sorry. :(

I'm just going by my own experience, but having a ~real live rapist~ in the family (grandfather) sure does seem to make a lot of people (grandmother, uncle) want to pretend that all raped women are liars (mother, aunt). These people make me sick.

Damn straight.

I love your promo image, there. Jesus is like, "Ummmm..."

For my money, Tyrion is still by far the most fuckable man in Westeros. Or in a shipping container bundled across the Narrow Sea to gods know where.

Next season is going to have so much Greyjoy nonsense... Stop saying "queensmoot!"

I'd buy that!