
"Never. Not ok." OR "Never not ok!" ...?

I don't know what the best part of this is: the Teen Wolf poster? The shirt that he's wearing that says "What are you looking at dicknose"? The fact that he starts the video with a Daffy Duck anecdote? That he looks like a total psycho while singing? Or that he ABSOLUTELY SLAYS THIS SONG with his nifty cover. (Haters

Nuts to the rest, I'm just excited to see Neil Patrick Harris as Desi.

They say it's an open heart pendant. All I see are butts.

We have a winner!

I LOL'ed for real.

What could they be? I'm racking my brain, but my mammary fails me.

I dunno. I don't think it looks bad. Generic, maybe, but what do you actually expect? Groundbreaking album artwork?

I did Black Friday two years ago, waited in line for a few hours, looking to get that blu-ray West Side Story special edition at a steep discount. I got inside, looked it up on my phone and found that Amazon had it $15 cheaper. I went home and swore I'd never be an idiot again. So far so good! :D

We did Thanksgiving a week early and it was the easiest holiday we've had yet. Shopping was a breeze, no crowds. Relatives flew in and out with ease.

I got all my shopping done and I didn't even have to put on pants.

That article is five years old.

I hate his politics as much as your average Texas Democrat, but I won't hate on art. Frankly, he's getting better and I think this cat painting is awesome. I feel weird because I'm suddenly seeing him as a human being instead of the object of my political ire. I thought that would make me cranky, but I actually feel

Funny, I don't FEEL pregnant...

I like the way you think.

Nothing beats the spectacle of a truly off-the-rails terrible movie. I'm not pessimistic about this news, I'm excited and actively hoping for a new piece of garbage to watch on movie night. Like Battlefirld Earth, but with butt plugs.

If it's a prequel, Sarah Connor would not be ripped. You SAW the movies, yes?

Well, now I feel guilty.