
This is marginally related: is it anyone ELSE'S lifelong dream to spot and rat-out a criminal? I'm so keen to be a narc/hero that if my best pal showed up on AMW, I'd be the very FIRST one on the phone. When I'm on my daily walk with the kids, i look for bodies the entire time. What IS that impulse and where did it


He's gross, she's gross, I'm gross, we're all gross! *slides down the bannister like Magenta*, but seriously, they're both pretty gross.

Hey, it works in Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.


I'm so, so sorry. That's heartbreaking. :(

Spurious reasoning. Christopher Lee might look like Dracula, it doesn't make him ACTUAL DRACULA.

I think I might be the target audience, because I would only ever consider actually purchasing a Real Live Paper Style Magazine to read about Liz or Marilyn or Diana, etc. I don't feel bad about this.

Fucking FINALLY.

Hey, right on. :D

I basically dressed like Kurt Cobain every day of high school — only, y'know, a girl. I didn't figure out how to use a hair dryer until I was 20, apparently, so I just let my hair dry lank and lifeless every morning like a goddamn caveman.

See, now I'm going to be so pissed when this doesn't happen. GOD I LOVE HER SKIN! Not... in a "peel it off and keep it" kind of way, just... wow, y'know?

No, I think THE most delicious sandwich involves swapping the Skylar meat for myself. This is pretty close, but you see, I'm not in it. :(

I would watch that.

I. Had. Forgotten. Oh haaaaaa, I really did!

I never thought I'd be GENUINELY BUMMED to have Jon Stewart on my tv, but I'm loving John Oliver so much I don't want it to end. I'm really holding out hope for some sort of weekend roundup edition of The Daily Show that Oliver could host. He's in no way WASTED as a correspondent — but he has so much more to give!

I'm not saying that this TV movie absolutely HAS to include the sibling sex... but, it totally does. ಠ_ಠ

Anyone else have a recurring dream where all of your teeth shatter and fall out?

Oh my GOD my brain can't even deal — I want to go bleach my hands just reading this.

You're my favorite person today :)