I would just think it would pose a choking hazard, or if not a choking hazard at least something that would be very painful if swallowed.
I would just think it would pose a choking hazard, or if not a choking hazard at least something that would be very painful if swallowed.
I wish you all the luck, sincerely. <3
I was having a rotten morning, but this video got my cynical ass's number, alright. I just started bawling out of nowhere! But now I'm in a much better mood, so thank you. :)
And it's still ~perfectly legal~ in Texas because our Governor keeps vetoing a bill that would make it otherwise, stating that to criminalize texting-while-driving would be "micromanaging"... at least they finally put term limits on his post. Asshead.
I don't know... I WAS looking to furnish my in-home bar, but I'm looking for something a little less comfortable and a little more unwieldy.
...Towhead? Doesn't that imply blond-ness?
Agreed. I was all ready to check out some 90s hits and now I'm all disappointed. :/
I've heard tale of a thing called "Travel Size Toothpaste" — but who knows WHERE one might procure such an extravagant, rare and surely expensive item.
I dunno. I had a weird sex dream about Captain Picard out of nowhere and it didn't seem that useless despite the lack of actual doing.
I dunno. I had a weird sex dream about Captain Picard out of nowhere and it didn't seem that useless despite the lack of actual doing.
Prepare to have fun! I'm excited they're expanding so more people can enjoy it. I know they opened one in New York City and quickly expanded to three or four — hopefully if it takes off in Denver (it will) you'll swiftly get a few locations. :)
Yes! :D
IT IS. And they tell you in a big warning before the show starts that "texting, tweeting and checking your phone all counts as talking — you will get thrown out. Keep your phone dark, silent and in your pocket." >:D
They still show that back-and-forth with the bitchy disgruntled customer as Pre-show entertainment at some showings. Ha ha! If you ever find yourself visiting a city that has an Alamo, it's worth it. I'd call it a must-see tourist attraction for any movie fan. :)
I couldn't love the reserved seating more if I tried. It's what movies have been missing. I've been a life long paranoiac about getting a crappy movie seat, so I've always shown up painfully early to every movie I have ever gone to (my husband makes fun of me). But now... I don't have to. It's weird and delightful.
The hype of the Drafthouse is completely earned. I dropped $30 to go see the HFR 3D Hobbit last week and felt it was worth every penny (even adding another $20 for food). I think the thing is that they realize they HAVE to cater to movie fans if they're going to make it worthwhile dropping $50. I wouldn't even…
I'm glad to live in Austin where I can go to the Alamo Drafthouse — where they cheerfully throw you out on your ass if you pull out your phone. It's a strict policy, but the movie going experience is immeasurably better for it, and there's fair warnng. Also, hot pizza.
This is so horribly depressing. I can't help looking at that beautiful baby and feeling awful that it has had so much ripped away at such a young age. My heart goes out to the entire family.
This is my house — I have to defend it. *cocks bb gun*
I've been collecting the Penguin Classics for three years now — and the Puffin Classics for my daughter. They're beautifully bound, perfect little editions! SO PREEEEETTY.