
Yep. You got it. The unwritten one is pretty important. People with addictive personalities new to sobriety can unknowingly start replacing their drug of choice with other behaviors, like throwing themselves head first into a really heavy sex life — normally, there would be nothing wrong with it, but it pulls focus

14 years sober here. I just thought I'd point out that AA encourages newly sober (single) members to try and avoid dating entirely for the first few months as it tends to completely distract one from the work.

I mean, none of us need to actually point out that the money you could make working even a part time job between now and then would offset whatever discount you could possibly receive, right? This should be common knowledge at this point, right? Stupid people make my head hurt.

Everything else aside, Twinkies may be nutritionally void sugar torpedos, but they aren't shitty. How dare you.

The tribute album of covers "To Elliot, From Portland" is also pretty great. Dolorean's version of "The Biggest Lie" and The Thermal's cover of "Ballsd of Big Nothing" stand out.

This sounds amazing.

This is such a non-thing.

JUST EAT THE FRICKIN' TACO. In the time you spent dicking with it, your toppings have grown cold and tired.

It also happens to be the one where Olivia and Elliot have to pretend to be John/Prostitute in their underpants yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhh

You don't know a SINGLE person excited to see The Hobbit? What's the rent on the rock you're living under?


IKNOWRIGHT. I aurally was just snickering that this would be a cute Christmas present to give my husband. Mostly because its funny and embarrassing, which is something I always shoot for in presents.

Great. I just woke up and now I'm crying. And forwarding this video to everyone so they start crying. :,D

So I guess I'm saying I agree with at least the last item on this article.

I left a job after almost nine years and took my time with the exit interview paperwork. In hindsight, the manifesto I delivered them (with attached typed pages) calling out the failings of every employee and manager in excruciating detail was probably something I shouldn't have done. It felt GREAT but I immediately