She said during CBS This Morning that she didn’t feel the least bit threatened.
She said during CBS This Morning that she didn’t feel the least bit threatened.
His emotional outburst doesn’t necessarily indict him, but he really has the worst answers to King’s questions. Blaming the parents, social media, his “big heart,” his fame, his ex’s. He says he’s innocent because his not literally the devil, but then makes himself out to be an angel, which along that logic wouldn’t…
If you have to ask yourself if they’re legal, they’re too young for you, bro!
I honestly thought the lead picture was a still from Trapped in the Closet.
It’s like his art come to life! This interview could seamlessly fit into his super dramatic Trapped in the Closet series.
“I just look at legal”
Is the forged and illegal marriage certificate to Aaliyah lying too?
I do want to reply to my own post and try to come at this from a slightly more sympathetic angle: I suspect I get what you were doing with this article, and I hope I get where it’s coming from. It’s snark. It’s intended as snark, and nothing else. It’s lulz. The internet likes the lulz. Some parts of GMG haaaaate…
Don’t forget voter suppression. The clearance part of the Voting Rights Act being removed did us no favors either.
Hey Lauren, I just want to chime in along with everyone else and let you know this is a really shitty post. Like, colossally shitty. I don’t even have any snark for you. Clinton won the popular vote, she was profoundly qualified, and she got shat on for being a woman who knows how to get shit done in a world dominated…
I’ll never forget during the week after the election hearing from a coworker that she just thought the presidency was meant to be a man’s job. She thought a woman probably could do the job, but didn’t think a woman should be president unless there was no better alternative (to her credit, she did recognize that Trump…
Right? Lauren Evans and every trashy little piece of shit like her can fuck straight off to hell.
I was inspired by her too. I would vote for her again if I could (but I wouldn’t wish another brutal election cycle on her). I think she would have made an incredible President. I teared up when I voted for her because I was so moved. The snark in this article is really rude and unnecessary. There’s a lot of people…
When did jezebel start hating women so hard?
Yeah, someone who wins a party nomination and then gaines over three million more votes than someone yet loses due to dozens of fluky reasons is hardly someone you can call “uninspiring” but you can never kick someone when they’re down enough
why would she? our country has shown her twice that we are more sexist than we are racist, and we are pretty fucking racist.
I was pretty inspired by her campaign too. But I’m glad she’s sitting this out because I wouldn’t wish all the crap she got (from both the far right and the far left) on my worst enemy.
I was inspired by her campaign as were many she won the goddamn popular vote. She shouldn't run again because it will just be a repeat and she has sense. No need to shit on her work.
She sure does. She never said she was going to run and now that she’s finally official said “I’m not running” they’re still giving her shit about it. But also salivating over Bernie. SMH
Hillary has the sense not to run again.