
So sad. I will be watching my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Blu-Ray (original movie) in his honor.

Oh, god, I hooked up with a guy once who kissed like that, and I am horrified to learn it looks just as bad from the outside as it is to experience. A big mouth, opened wide, leading with the tongue - all you get is teeth and tongue and saliva. It’s like making out with a horse. Quite possibly the least sexy thing on

I was going to say that, or BeckinPete.

Davidson and Beckinsale (how do you mash-up their names to make one moniker? Kete? ...Pate?)

We Worst”

It’s a good thing he made those free throws, because he ain’t got no alibi.

Absolutely! I mean Sandra is a powerhouse, but Comer kept up with her and in many cases stole the show. Here’s hoping all the award season love gets shared with her next season because she deserves it.

Comer blew my everlovin’ mind in that show.  She’s spectacular.

Was the pasta dry or just uncooked?? Either way, I would never let a near death experience ruin pasta for me.

Speaking of Williams Sonoma, for some reason they keep advertising a butt plug on my Facebook feed

I’m reading this while holding a Williams Sonoma catalog, just so it can feel some of the hate it was spared last Christmas. 

They messed up by not naming it Sylnt. Vowels are sooo analog.

Only a really rich person would voluntarily not eat for hours and then talk about how much time they have without framing it around meals. #bye

22 hours without any food? I would want to punch someone, but not have the energy. Even in my eating disorder days I spread my few calories out throughout the day.

Going to go eat breakfast before work so that time doesn’t slow down and make my day feel even longer than it already is. Thank for the hot tip, digital bros.

Hi, yes, do we not remember when Calvin Harris modeled underwear? Let’s remember.

That is a koality pose.

consider this a free peek into your future, khloe k.

Exactly. I have a family member who I think is a potential sexual predator. Other than not letting my kids be around him there’s nothing I can do. He hasn’t broken any laws.

Good lord. Bezos really should have applied stricter criteria to this relationship than “She’s the same age and pretty similar in appearance to my wife, but more of a celebrity”.