
OMG that guy silently walking by her for 5 minutes. Blech! Gave me the chills.

And I'm not one of those people who are like "who even is that super famous celebrity I'm going to pretend to not know?" I am OBSESSED with everything celebrity (not something I'm very proud of, but whatevs) and I legitimately had no idea this wasn't a BSB song.

YES! I got so excited that he was gonna do a BSB song and then I was like oh. I'm old.

OMG! This is getting worse and more vomit enduring every day.

I'm assuming we'll need a legal type to answer that accurately but I fucking hope so.

I fucking hope so. She should never be able to be around any of her children ever again.

I said it yesterday and I'll say it forever GET THOSE KIDS OUT THAT DAMN HOUSE!

It was the first thing I thought after my original "the fuck are they doing with their hands?" thought.

As do you, my dear.

Hahahahhaa omg how could I forget that. I guess I'm just hoping that this is much more like her style as of late and less like this:

To quote the greatest sports movie of all time (Bull Durham) "baseball is a simple game. You throw the ball, you hit the ball, you catch the ball".

Can't hate on this. I approve.

How long and and how much more proof is needed for CPS to get involved bc seriously, get those kids OUT OF THAT HOUSE!

Switch football jersey to baseball jersey. Keep said stretch pants, sneakers and greasepaint. Add hat. There, I fixed it!

Somehow I've never heard of this woman. SHE'S AMAZING! I was skeptical when she started with Brit, because I just didn't hear it. But OMG she's got everyone else down pat. Especially Gwen and Norah.

Does his Donnie's penis also fit perfectly in her mouth? If so, Donnie, please for the sake of the rest of us, place it in there so we don't have to hear her talk anymore.

Coulda been worse. I clicked on the video assuming he said something deplorable in favor of the verdict. PROGRESS!

I never knew about this. Brought me to tears.

Holy crap that was hilarious. And it also looks like Brad isn't so vehemently fighting the hot anymore. Kudos to that.