I usually love Blake's fashion choices and I also usually love Michael Kors. This looks like a Flinstone's halloween costume and I hate it.
I usually love Blake's fashion choices and I also usually love Michael Kors. This looks like a Flinstone's halloween costume and I hate it.
No snark taken. It'll change eventually. I HATED my huge ass and small boobs in college bc all anyone cared about was teeny tushies and huge boobs. Trends come and go. I'm actually surprised Kate Upton hasn't brought the pendulum back the other way yet.
This makes me and my itty bitties v. happy!
For the umpteenth time, no one… especially not me, is excusing his behavior. I am accepting his apology for hurting people and saying something horrible that never should have come out of his face hole.
Get out of here with your logic.
I like you.
Howard isn't the same radio host that he used to be. I've been listening to him for 15 years now and he's a completely different man. Right now, all he's concerned about is getting great interviews.
No one is excusing what he said… or at least I'm not. All I'm saying is that I think his apology is sincere and I accept it.
You're blind.
It was SO great, right?! I'm so happy that we chose to go to a happy lively restaurant after the show though, because it was a HEAVY play.
OMG I LOVE them so hard! Mr. DancingMuppets and I just saw them in a play and they were so amazing and wonderful and I was in the second row center and it took every part of my being to not reach out and hug them.
I think we're supposed to not like him because he lost a bunch of weight and started taking his roles more seriously or something like that. And I think it's fucking stupid. Reminds me of how every time we build up a female actress i.e. Anne Hathaway, JLaw, we have to immediately bring them back down to earth and hate…
I'm sure you're right and I know it's no excuse. But, with everything he's done and how outspoken he's been about LGBTQ rights, I don't believe this was came from a place of deep rooted hatred for gay people. I think he was being harassed and made a huge mistake that he immediately accepted responsibility for and gave…
I'm sure I'll get vilified for this, but… I believe his apology. The paparazzo knew what he was doing and got the reaction he was hoping for.
Listen, I'm not one to frequent any fast food restaurant more than a handful of times a year, but I will eat the shit out of it occasionally. That includes fast food banh mi because it's fucking delicious always.
Congratulations! That's so great! I guess I've only started thinking about it the past few years bc I just have so many women in my life that have fertility issues. It's so frustrating that you spend the first part of your life freaking out about not getting pregnant but then the rest of it worried that you can't.
I cannot begin to imagine how to deal with fertility issues, let alone dealing with them in public. One of my biggest fears is not being able to make a baby with Mr. DancingMuppets. I wish them the best of luck.
How do you expect me to grow, if you don't let me blow?
I don't think you understand words.